Testo 300LL Long-life Flue Gas Analyser

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  • Supplied with O₂ and CO sensors optimised for longevity
  • NO sensor can be added retrospectively
  • Available in two kits with or without a compatible Bluetooth/ IRDA printer
0564 3004 82

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Testo 300 Long Life Flue Gas Analyser Description

The Testo 300 Long Life Flue Gas Analyser is equipped with an O₂ and CO sensor. It is possible to configure the Testo 300 to include a NO sensor, this may be done at the time of purchase (please contact our sales team for further details), or can be added retrospectively.

The sensors supplied with the Testo 300 Long Life Flue Gas Analyser are TϋV-tested in accordance with first German Federal Immission Control Ordinance (BImSchV) and EN 50379 Parts 1-3. They have a service life of approximately six years adding to both the cost- and work-efficiency of these instruments. The longevity of these sensors reduces both downtime and expenses due to the removal of at least one sensor replacement cycle.

Further to this, the Testo 300 Long Life Flue Gas Analyser includes automatic sensor protection, again working to improve the longevity and reliability of these sensors. Moreover, when the product is registered, Testo will supply the user with a five-year warranty on the O₂ and CO sensors (without maintenance contract).

With regards to the Testo 300 Long Life Flue Gas Analyser’s measurement ranges, when supplied as standard, with only the O₂ and CO sensors integrated, it features the following measurement ranges:

  • O₂: 0 to 21 vol. %
  • CO (without H₂ compensation): 0 to 4000 ppm
  • CO (with H₂ compensation): 0 to 8000 ppm
  • CO (with H₂ and fresh air dilution): 0 to 30000 ppm

In addition to performing the above measurements, the Testo 300 Long Life Flue Gas Analyser can be used to perform integrated fine pressure and 4 Pa measurements in accordance with legal requirements.

Furthermore, the Testo 300 Analyser can be used with a variety of OPTIONAL accessories to perform measurements and tests such as:

  • Measuring NO between 0 and 3000 ppm (as mentioned above)
  • Gas flow pressure
  • Differential temperature
  • Ambient CO
  • Gas pipe testing

These measurement functions, as well as the Testo 300 Long Life Flue Gas Analyser’s adaptability, make it suitable for inspecting heating systems.

The Testo 300 Long Life Flue Gas Analyser is also equipped with a multi-functional handle which facilitates the user’s ability to attach a variety of quick-change probe shafts (available separately). For instance, the user is able to connect a longer probe shaft for inspecting flue gas pipes with larger diameters; alternatively, when inspecting difficult-to-access areas the user may attach a flexible probe via the handle. This adds to the practicality of the Testo 300 Long Life Flue Gas Analyser, expanding its scope-for-use.

This instrument is also equipped with extra-strong magnets, ensuring that it is kept in place throughout the measurement process.

Also working to improve the Testo 300’s practicality, as well as its efficiency, is the integrated draught and gas zeroing. This allows the user to zero the instrument without removing the flue gas probe from the flue pipe. Moreover, when placed in Standby mode, the Testo 300 Long Life Flue Gas Analyser is ready to use at the touch of a button. This eliminates the need to wait until the end of the zeroing phase before commencing measurements, again increasing work efficiency.

Additionally, the Testo 300 Long Life Flue Gas Analyser includes a smart-touch display enabling intuitive and fast operation of the analyser. The Testo 300’s display has the same response time as a smartphone. For further information regarding this smart-touch technology, please see the video below. 

testo 300 Flue Gas Analyser

Measurements are viewable via the Testo 300 Long Life Flue Gas Analyser’s 5-inch HD display. This large display allows the user to view all the measurement parameters instantly and its simply structured measurement menus enable the user to access the relevant data quickly.

In addition to conducting measurements, the Testo 300 Long Life Flue Gas Analyser can be used to create PDF measurement reports, and documentation containing details such as the measuring value, measuring location and customer data. Reports and documentation can be created on-site and saved to the Testo 300 Long Life Flue Gas Analyser for easy recall.

Reports can be exported via email (using WLAN) to the user’s office and/or to the client. Furthermore, the Testo 300 Long Life Flue Gas Analyser includes a signature function allowing the client to sign measurement reports saved on the instrument; again, this works to improve work efficiency and convenience.

Alternatively; it is possible to send measurements to print via the integrated Bluetooth interface. A compatible Testo printer is required; this is included in the Testo 300 Long Life Flue Gas Analyser – Standard Kit WITH Printer.

Additionally, due to the inclusion of a Testo interface function, it is also possible for the user to export data from the Testo 300 Long Life Flue Gas Analyser to an industry- and/or customer-specific software program. **

Data can be transferred to the user’s PC and organised using the supplied Testo Easyheat Analysis Software. This software can also be used to manage customer and worksite data, as well as configure the Testo 300 Long Life Flue Gas Analyser.

The Testo 300 Long Life Flue Gas Analyser is an adaptable, reliable and versatile flue gas analyser optimised for longevity; to this end, it includes a rechargeable battery with a life of up to ten hours. The cost-effective, efficient and practical Testo 300 Long Life Flue Gas Analyser is ideal for professionals measuring heating systems.

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Testo 300 Long Life Flue Gas Analyser Key Features

  • Available in two standard kits with or without a printer
  • Equipped with O₂ and CO sensors
  • An OPTIONAL NO sensor can be added retrospectively or at the time of purchase (please call for details)
  • Sensors are TϋV-tested in accordance with first German Federal Immission Control Ordinance (BImSchV) and EN 50379 Parts 1-3
  • Sensors have a service life of approximately six years
  • Automatic sensor protection
  • 5-year warranty (from Testo) on the O₂ and CO sensors when the analyser is registered
  • O₂: 0 to 21 vol. %
  • CO (without H₂ compensation): 0 to 4000 ppm
  • CO (with H₂ compensation): 0 to 8000 ppm
  • CO (with H₂ and fresh air dilution): 0 to 30000 ppm
  • Measure NO between 0 and 3000 ppm (OPTIONAL, please call for details)
  • Gas flow pressure measurement (OPTIONAL)
  • Differential temperature measurement (OPTIONAL)
  • Ambient CO measurement (OPTIONAL)
  • Gas pipe testing (OPTIONAL)
  • Suitable for inspecting heating systems
  • Multi-functional handle facilitates the attachment of quick-change probe shafts
  • Extra-strong magnets for ensuring the tester is kept in place throughout the measurement process
  • Integrated draught and gas zeroing
  • Ready-to-use at the touch of a button when placed in Standby mode
  • Intuitive, smart-touch display
  • Same response time as a smartphone
  • 5-inch HD display
  • View all measurement parameters instantly
  • Access relevant measurements quickly via the simply structured measurement menus
  • Create PDF measurement reports
  • Create documentation detailing the measurement value, site location and customer data
  • Save reports and documentation to the analyser
  • Send reports via email (using WLAN)
  • Integrated Bluetooth interface
  • Send measurements to print using a compatible Testo printer and the Bluetooth interface
  • Transfer data to a PC
  • Use the supplied Testo Easyheat Analysis Software to manage measurement, customer and worksite data
  • Configure the analyser using the supplied Easyheat Software
  • Testo interface function for exporting data to an industry-/ customer-specific software program**
  • Supplied with a rechargeable battery with a life of up to ten hours
  • Cost-effective, efficient and practical flue gas analyser
  • Ideal for professionals measuring heating systems

** Please Note: the manufacturer has to integrate an interface into the industry software to use the function

What’s Included?

Product Kit
Code  Name 0564300482
+ Printer
+ NOx & Sensor Printer
0633 3004 88 Testo 300 Long Life Analyser
  NOx Sensor - -
0554 1105 USB Mains Unit with Cable
0600 9760 Compact Basic Flue Gas Probe
0554 3385 10x Spare Dirt Filters with Compact Probes
0554 3332 Testo Easyheat Analysis Software
0516 3300 Carry Case
0554 0621 Bluetooth/ IRDA Printer -
0554 0568 Spare Thermal Paper with Indelible Ink -
    View View View
£1,604.96 inc vat
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In Stock: Standard Delivery*
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This item is made-to-order exclusively for you once your order is placed. As a result, it is not eligible for cancellation or return under our standard policy. Your statutory rights remain unaffected.
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Technical Information

Testo 300 Long Life Flue Gas Analyser Technical Specifications 

Measurement Parameter Measuring Range Accuracy (±1 Digit) Resolution 
O₂ measurement 0 to 21 vol.% ±0.2 vol.% 0.1 vol.%
CO measurement (without H₂ compensation) 0 to 4,000 ppm ±20 ppm (0 to 400 ppm) 1 ppm
±5% of m.v. (401 to 2,000 ppm)
±10% of m.v. (2001 to 4,000 ppm)
CO measurement (with H₂ compensation) 0 to 8,000 ppm ±10 ppm or ± 10% of m.v. (0 to 200 ppm) 1 ppm
±20 ppm or ± 5% of m.v. (201 to 2,000 ppm)
±10% of m.v. (2,001 to 8,000 ppm)
CO measurement (with H₂ compensation and dilution) 0 to 30,000 ppm ±100 ppm or ± 10% of m.v 1 ppm
Combustion ratio (calculated) - - 0.0001
NO measurement optional upgrade 0 to 3,000 ppm ±5 ppm (0 to 100 ppm) 1 ppm
±5% of m.v. (101 to 2,000 ppm)
±10% of m.v. (2,001 to 3,000 ppm)
Efficiency testing (Eta) 0 to 120% - 0.1%
Flue gas loss 0 to 99.9% - 0.1%
CO₂ determination (digital calculation from O₂) Display range 0 to CO₂ max. ±0.2 vol.% 0.1 vol.%
Draught measurement -9.99 to +40 mbar ±0.005 mbar (0 to 0.1 mbar) 0.001 mbar (0 to 0.1 mbar)
±0.02 mbar (0.1 to +3.00 mbar) 0.01 mbar (remaining meas. range
±1.5% of m.v. (+3.01 to +40 mbar)
Pressure measurement -100 to 200 mbar ±0.5 mbar (0 to +50.0 mbar) 0.01 mbar
±1% of m.v. (+50.1 to +100.0 mbar)
±1.5% of m.v. (+100.1 to +200 mbar)
Temperature (instrument) -40 to +1,200°C ±0.5°C (0.0 to +100.0°C) 0.1°C (-40 to +999.9°C)
±0.5% of m.v. (remaining meas. range) 1°C (remaining meas. range)
Ambient CO measurement (internal/flue gas probe) 0 to 2,000 ppm ±10 ppm (0 to 100 ppm) 1 ppm
±10% of m.v. (101 to 2,000 ppm)
Ambient CO measurement (external with CO probe) 0 to 500 ppm ±3 ppm (0 to 29 ppm) 1 ppm
±10% of m.v. (30 to 500 ppm)
General Technical Data
Certification The testo 300 is TÜV-tested according to 1st German Federal Immission Control Ordinance (BImSchV) EN 50379, Parts 1-3
Storage temperature -20 to +50°C
Operating temperature -5 to +45°C
Charging temperature 0 to +45°C
Humidity application range 15 to 90% RH, not condensing
Power supply Rechargeable battery, USB mains unit
Rechargeable battery life 10 hrs
Protection class IP 40
Memory 1 mio. measurement values
Display 5.0" touch display, HD 1280x720 pixels, IPS (160 k)
Weight Approx. 800 g
Dimensions L: 244 mm (including probe connection) H: 59 mm W: 98 mm
Testo 300 Longlife warranty Instrument/probe/gas sensors O₂, CO sensor 48 months
NO sensor 24 months
Thermocouple and rechargeable battery 12 months
Additional Information
Manufacturer Part Code
0564 3004 82
Model Ref
Testo 300
Country of Origin

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£1,604.96 inc vat
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