Designed for comprehensive turn-up testing, monitoring, and troubleshooting of fixed line, mobile, microwave, and wireless carrier Ethernet links. UniPRO MGig1 is suitable for use on any backhaul link at speeds of up to 1 Gb/s. UniPRO MGig1 allows enterprise users to monitor the actual bandwidth and performance compared to the agreed service levels from the service provider. It can also be used to stress test and monitor the performance of LAN backbone links.
Six choices are available, single or dual ports.
UniPRO MGig1 Solo | Gigabit Ethernet transmission tester with single Copper Port. |
UniPRO MGig1 Solo Plus | Gigabit Ethernet Multistream Bidirectional transmission tester with single Copper and Optical Ports. |
UniPRO MGig1 Solo Pro | GbE Multistream Bidirectional transmission tester with single Copper and Optical Ports and Y.1564 |
UniPRO MGig1 Duo | Gigabit Ethernet transmission tester with dual Copper Ports. |
UniPRO MGig1 Duo Plus | Gigabit Ethernet Multistream Bidirectional transmission tester with dual Copper and Optical Ports. |
UniPRO MGig1 Duo Pro | GbE Multistream Bidirectional transmission tester with dual Copper and Optical Ports and Y.1564. |
Entry-level model for first-line users. TREND for radio link installers, fixed link installers, subcontractors, network maintenance professionals, and system integrators.
TREND for field engineers who want the ability to augment pre-configured and auto-sequence tests with the ability to dig deeper into the troubleshooting of unsatisfactory test results - or who wish to do detailed manual testing.
Full ITU-T Y.1564 (NetSAM) multi-service (stream) testing capability. Retains the simplicity of use, intuitive graphic interface, and time-saving pre-configured and single-button auto sequence testing functions. Adds the independent target and service to cut troubleshooting time.