Siglent SDS1202X-E Bench Oscilloscope - 200MHz, 2 Channel

All Siglent Products
  • Powerful digital oscilloscope with 200MHz bandwidth
  • Built-in decoder included as standard
  • High quality, 7 inch colour TFT LCD screen

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Looking for an affordable, high quality oscilloscope for use on the bench? Equally at home in the lab or for personal use, the Siglent SDS1202X-E is an accurate, reliable and powerful digital oscillscope packed with features and functionality.

The table below takes a quick look at the important capabilities of the SDS1202X-E:

Bandwidth Channels Real-Time Sampling Rate Capture Rate Memory Depth
200MHz 2+EXT 1GSa/s 100,000fms/s (normal mode)
400,000wfm/s (sequence mode)
14Mpts (single channel)
7Mpts (dual channel)

Product Video

Take a look for yourself at the capabilities of the Siglent SDS1202X-E oscilloscope in this video:

SIGLENT Release New SDS1000X-E

Next-Generation Super Phosphor (SPO) Technology

The SDS1202X-E oscilloscope uses Siglent's SPO technology to ensure you always get excellent signal fidelity and high quality performance when using your instrument.

You can expect the following from the Siglent SDS1202X-E:

  • High Waveform Capturing Rate - up to 100,000wfm/s (in normal mode) or 400,000wfm/s (in sequence mode)
  • Inutitive Display Functions - with support for 256-level intensity grading and various colour display modes
  • Record Length - up to 14Mpts
  • Digital Trigger System - with intelligent triggers Edge, Slope, Pulse Width, Window, Runt, Interval, Time Out (Dropout) and Pattern all included
  • Serial Bus Trigger and Decoding Included as Standard - with support for IIC, SPI, UART, RS232, CAN and LIN

Take a look below for a closer look at the different functions available on the Siglent SDS1202X-E oscilloscope.

Intuitive Interface

Configuring and analysing your findings using the Siglent SDS1202X-E is as simple and as intuitive as possible thanks to Siglent's interface.

With colour-coded buttons and a wide variety of functions and features, this oscilloscope is designed to enhance your testing experience.

Features include:

  • 7 Inch, Full Colour TFT LCD Display - with 800 x 480 pixel resolution
  • 10 Different One-Button Operation Keys - including auto setup, default, cursor, measure, roll, history, persist, clear, sweep, zoom and print
  • Complete Connectivity - with support for USB Host, USB Device (USB-TMC), LAN (VXI-11), Pass/Fail and Trigger Output

SDS1202X-E Record Length

Record Length of up to 14Mpts

Using hardware-based zoom technologies and a record length of up to 14Mpts, the SDS1202X-E makes it easy to use a higher sampling rate to capture more of the signal and then quickly zoom in on an area of interest.

Siglent SDS1202X-E Waveform CapturingWaveform Capturing Rate Up to 400,000wfm/s

In sequence mode, the SDS1202X-E can easily capture unusual and low probability events

SDS1202X-E Intensity Grading256-Level Intensity Grading

The SDS1202X-E's SPO display technology delivers fast refresh rates. The resulting intensity-grade traces are brighter where events occur more frequently and less bright where they occur often

SDS1202X-E Colour TempColour Temperature Display

Although similar to the intensity function, the colour trace is represented by different colours (colour temperature) as opposed to changes in the intensity of one colour. Red represents the most common occurences or probabilites, while blue is used to mark points that occur less frequently

SDS1202X-E Serial Bus DecodingSerial Bus Decoding Function (Standard)

Displays decoding through the events list. Bus protocol information can be quickly displayed in tabular format

SDS1202X-E True MeasurementsTrue Measurements to 14Mpoints

At any one timebase, the SDS1202X-E can measure using all 14M sample points. This ensures that results are accurate while the math processor decreases measurement time and increases ease of use

SDS1202X-E History WaveformHistory Waveforms (History) Mode and Segmented Acqusition (Sequence)

Playback the latest triggered events using the history function.
Segmented memory zcquisition will store the waveform into multiple
(up to 80,000) memory segments, each segment will store triggered
waveforms and timestamp each frame

SDS1202X-E Gate and ZoomGate and Zoom Measurement

Through Gate and Zoom measurement, the user can specify an arbitrary
interval of waveform data analysis and statistics. This helps avoid
measurement errors that can be caused by invalid or extraneous data,
greatly enhancing the measurements’ validity and flexibility.

SDS1202X-E FFT1 Mpoints FFT

The math co-processor enables FFT analysis of incoming signals
using up to 1M samples per waveform. This provides high frequency
resolution with a fast refresh rate. The FFT function also supports a
variety of window functions so that it can adapt to different spectrum
measurement needs.

High SpeedHigh-Speed Hardware-Based Pass/Fail Function

The SDS1000X-E utilizes a hardware-based Pass/Fail function, performing
up to 40,000 Pass / Fail decisions each second. Easily generate userdefined
test templates provide trace mask comparison making it suitable
for long-term signal monitoring or automated production line testing.

SDS1202X-E Customisable Default KeyCustomisable Default Key

The current parameters of the oscilloscope can be preset to Default Key
through the Save menu.

SDS1202X-E ConnectivityComplete Connectivity

SDS1202X-E supports USB Host, USB Device (USB-TMC), LAN (VXI-11),
Pass/Fail and Trigger Out

Siglent SDS1202X-E Super Phosphor Oscilloscope Key Features

  • 200MHz bandwidth
  • Real-time sampling rate of up to 1GSa/s
  • Waveform capturing rate of up to 100,000wfm/s (normal mode)
  • Waveform capturing rate of up to 400,000wfm/s (sequence mode)
  • 256 level intensity grading and colour temperature modes
  • Record length up to 14Mpts
  • Intelligent trigger system - edge, slode, pulse width, window, runt, interval, time out (dropout) and pattern
  • Serial bus triggering and decoding as standard with support for IIC, SPI, UART, RS232, CAN and LIN
  • Video trigger with support for HDTV
  • Low noise with support for 500μV/div to 10V/div voltage scales
  • One-button shortcuts for easy access to Auto Setup, Default, Cursors, Measure, Roll, History, Display/Persist, Clear Sweep, Zoom and Print
  • Segment acqusition (sequence) mode divides the maximum record length into multiple segments (up to 80,000) according to trigger conditions set by the user
  • History waveform (History) function to record waveforms up to 80,000 frame
  • Automatic measurement functions for 38 parameters - including statistics, zoom, gating, math, history and reference measurements
  • True measurements and math of all sampled data points to 14M
  • Various math functions including FFT, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, integration, differential and square root
  • Preset key can be customised with user settings
  • Security erase mode
  • High speed hardware-based pass/fail function
  • Large-size, 7 inch colour TFT LCD display with resolution of 800 x 480 pixels
  • Multiple interface types: USB host, USB device (USB-TMC), LAN (VXI-11), Pass/Fail and Trigger Out
  • Supports SCPI remote control commands
  • Multi-language display with embedded online help

What's Included?

  • Siglent SDS1202X-E Oscilloscope
  • USB Cable
  • Quick Start Guide
  • 2 x Passive Probes
  • Certification
  • Power Cord

Please see the attached datasheet for a selection of accessories for this product.

£336.00 inc vat
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Technical Information

Siglent SDS1202X-E Technical Specifications

Acquisition System
Sampling Rate 1GSa/s (single channel)
500MSa/s (dual channel)
Memory Depth Max 14Mpts/Ch (single channel)
7Mpts/ch (dual channel)
Peak Detect 1nsec
Average 4, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024
Eres Enhance Bits: 0.5, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3 (selectable)
Waveform Interpolation Sinx/x
Channels 2 x analogue
Coupling DC, AC, GND
Impedance DC: (1MMΩ±2%) || (18 pF ±2 pF)
Max Input Voltage 1 MΩ ≤400 Vpk (DC + Peak AC <=10 kHz)
Channel to Channel Isolation DC~ Max BW >40 dB
Probe Attenuator 0.1X, 0.2X, 0.5X, 1X, 2X, 5X, 10X…… 1000X, 2000X, 5000X, 10000X
Vertical System
Bandwidth (-3dB) 200MHz
Vertical Resolution 8 bit
Vertical Scale (Probe 1x) 500 μV/div - 10 V/div (1-2-5 sequence)
500 μV - 150 mV: ± 2 V
Offset Range (Probe 1x) 152 mV - 1.5 V: ± 20 V
1.52 V - 10 V: ± 200 V
Bandwidth Limit 20MHz ±40%
Bandwidth Flatness DC - 10% (BW): ± 1 dB
10% - 50% (BW): ± 2 dB
50% - 100% (BW): + 2 dB/-3 dB
Low Frequency Response (AC-3dB) ≤10 Hz (at input BNC)
Noise ST-DEV ≤0.5 division (<1 mV/div)
ST-DEV ≤0.2 division (<2 mV/div)
ST-DEV ≤0.1 division (≥2 mV/div)
SFDR Including Harmonics ≥35 dB
DC Gain Accuracy ≤±3.0%: 5 mV/div ~10 V/div
≤±4.0%: ≤2 mV/div
Offset Accuracy ±(1%* Offset+1.5%*8*div+2 mV): ≥2 mV/div
±(1%* Offset+1.5%*8*div+500 uV): ≤1 mv/div
Risetime Typical 1.8 ns
Overshoot (500ps Pulse) <10%
Horizontal System
Timebase Scale 1.0ns/div to 100s/div
Channel Skew <100 ps
Waveform Capture Rate Up to 100,000 wfm/s (normal mode), 400,000 wfm/s (sequence mode)
Intensity Grading 256 levels
Display Format Y-T, X-Y, roll
Timebase Accuracy ±25ppm
Roll Mode 50 ms/div - 100 s/div (1-2-5 step)
Trigger System
Trigger Mode Auto, normal, single
Trigger Level Internal: ±4.5 div from the center of the screen
EXT: ±0.6 V
EXT/5: ±3 V
Holdoff Range 80 ns - 1.5 s
Trigger Coupling AC
Noise RJ (CH1 - CH2)
Coupling Frequency Response (CH1-CH2) DC: Passes all components of the signal
AC: Blocks DC components and attenuates signals below 8 Hz
LFRJ: Blocks the DC component and attenuates the low-frequency
components below 2 MHz
HFRJ: Attenuates the high-frequency components above 1.2 MHz
Coupling Frequency Response (EXT) DC: Passes all components of the signal
AC: Blocks DC components and attenuates signals below 30 Hz
LFRJ: Blocks the DC component and attenuates the low-frequency
components below 10 KHz
HFRJ: Attenuates the high-frequency components above 500 KHz
Trigger Accuracy (Typical) Internal: ±0.2 div
EXT: ±0.4 div
Trigger Sensitivity CH1 - CH2: DC - Max BW 0.6 div
EXT: 200 mVpp DC - 10 MHz
300 mVpp 10 MHz - BW frequency
EXT/5: 1 Vpp DC - 10 MHz;
1.5 Vpp 10 MHz - BW frequency
Trigger Jitter <100 ps (CH1 - CH2)
Trigger Displacement Pre-Trigger: 0 - 100% Memory
Delay Trigger: 0 to 10,000 div
Edge Trigger
Slope Rising, falling, rising and falling
Source CH1/CH2/EXT/EXT/5/ AC Line
Slope Trigger
Slope Rising, Falling
Limit Range < , >, < >, ><
Source CH1/CH2
Time Range 2ns - 4.2s
Resolution 1ns
Pulse Trigger
Polarity +wid , -wid
Limit Range < , > , <> , ><
Source CH1/CH2
Pulse Range 2ns to 4.2s
Resolution 1ns
Video Trigger
Signal Standard NTSC,PAL,720p/50,720p/60,1080p/50,1080p/60,1080i/50,1080i/60, custom
Source CH1/CH2
Sync Any, select
Trigger Condition Line, Field
Window Trigger
Window Type Absolute, relative
Source CH1/CH2
Interval Trigger
Slope Rising, falling
Limit Range < , > , <> , ><
Source CH1/CH2
Time Range 1ns to 4.2s
Resolution 1ns
Dropout Trigger
Timeout Type Edge, state
Source CH1/CH2
Slope Rising, Falling
Time Range 2ns to 4.2s
Resolution 1ns
Runt Trigger
Polarity +wid , -wid
Limit Range < , > , <> , ><
Source CH1/CH2
Time Range 2ns to 4.2s
Resolution 1ns
Pattern Trigger
Pattern Setting Invalid, Low, High
Source CH1/CH2
Limit Range < , > , <> , ><
Time Range 2ns to 4.2s
Resolution 1ns

For further specs please see attached datasheet

Document Downloads
Siglent 1000 X E Series Datasheet Datasheet
Siglent 1000 X E Series User Manual Manual/Guide
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Customer Reviews

Siglent SDS1202X-E Bench Oscilloscope - 200MHz, 2 Channel
£336.00 inc vat
£336.00 inc vat