Siglent SDS1102CML+ Dual-Channel Bench Oscilloscope (100 MHz)

All Siglent Products
  • Powerful dual-channel digital oscilloscope with 100MHz bandwidth
  • Supports multiple interface and trigger types
  • High quality, 7 inch TFT-LCD display with resolution of 800 x 480 pixels

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Looking for a reliable digital oscilloscope suitable for use in a wide variety of different applications? Siglent's SDS1000CML+ series fits the job perfectly!

This model is the SDS1102CML+, the model with the second-highest bandwidth available in the series of 100MHz (the SDS1152CML+ has 200MHz bandwidth). This is a dual-channel digital oscilloscope for measuring two waveforms side-by-side on the display and thanks to a higher quality 7" TFT-LCD display with resolution of 800 x 480 pixels, analysing different waveforms is as simple as possible.

The Siglent SDS1102CML+ has memory depth of up to 2Mpts, with normal memory of 40Kpts. The higher memory setting, known as long memory, allows you to use a higher sample rate to capture more of the signal, as well as zoom in on the particular area of interest for further analysis. This oscilloscope also offers full support for voltage, time and delay measurements, with a total of 32 different parameters available and the ability to display five measurements at once on the screen.

There's so much more to the SDS1102CML+ too; this oscilloscope includes a PASS/FAIL function which will compare a current measured trace to a template mask trace (ideal for long-term signal monitoring or automated production line testing), full support for +, -, *, / and FFT mathematic modes, a built-in digital recorder for recording data in real time with the ability to recall saved waveforms and multiple interface types (USB Host, USB Device/USBTMC), LAN VXI-11 and PASS/FAIL).

Siglent SDS1102CML+ Digital Oscilloscope Key Features

  • Second-highest bandwidth model available in the SDS1000CML+ series - 100MHz bandwidth
  • Measure from two channels simultaneously, with support for an external channel
  • 1GSa/a maximum sampling rate
  • Up to 2Mpts memory depth helps you to easily analyse smaller sections of a waveform
  • Supports edge, pulse, video, slope and alternate trigger types
  • Multiple interface types: USB Host, USB Device, LAN and PASS/FAIL
  • Built-in 7 inch TFT LCD screen with resolution of 800 x 480 pixels
  • Multiple waveform mathematic functions - includes +, -, *, / and FFT modes
  • 6 digit frequency counter
  • Automatic measurements of 32 different parameters with the ability to select five measurements to be displayed on the screen simultaneously
  • Zoom function allows you to zoom in on a complete segment, allowing you to easily identify a particular signal part
  • PASS/FAIL function allows generation of user-defined testing templates, with the ability to compare the current measured trace to these stored template masks
  • Record full signals in real-time with no dead-time thanks to 7M memory and support for USB disk
  • Multiple-language display with embedded online help
  • Screensaver from 1 minute to 5 hours

What's Included?

  • Signlent SDS1102CML+ Digital Oscilloscope
  • USB Cable
  • Power Cable
  • Quick Start Guide
  • Certificate of Calibration
  • 2 x Passive Probes

Optional Accessories

A full breakdown of all probes and other optional accessories can be found in the datasheet, which is available as a download further below.

For optional accessory orders, please call the sales team directly for more information.

Siglent SDS1000CML+ Series Comparison Chart

The following table outlines the basic differences between the three models available in the SDS1000CML+ series.

Model Number SDS1072CML+ SDS1102CML+ SDS1152CML+
Bandwidth 70MHz 100MHz 150MHz
Sampling Rate (Max) 1GSa/s 1GSa/s 1GSa/s
Channels 2+EXT 2+EXT 2+EXT
Memory Depth (Max) 2Mpts 2Mpts 2Mpts
Interface Types USB Host, USB Device, LAN, PASS/FAIL USB Host, USB Device, LAN, PASS/FAIL USB Host, USB Device, LAN, PASS/FAIL
Trigger Types Edge, Pulse, Video, Slope and Alternate Edge, Pulse, Video, Slope and Alternate Edge, Pulse, Video, Slope and Alternate
Standard Probes Included 2 x PB470 Passive Probes 2 x PP510 Passive Probes 2 x PP215 Passive Probes
Display 7" TFT LCD (800 x 480 pixels) 7" TFT LCD (800 x 480 pixels) 7" TFT LCD (800 x 480 pixels)
Weight 2.5kg 2.5kg 2.5kg
£334.80 inc vat
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Technical Information

Siglent SDS1102CML+ Technical Specifications

Acquisition System
Real-Time Sampling Rate 1GSa/s
Memory Depth 40kpts (normal mode), 2Mpts (long memory mode)
Acquisition Mode Normal, Peak Detect, Average
Average 4, 16, 32, 64, 128 and 256
Waveform Interpolation Sinx, X
Channels 2
Coupling DC, AC, GND
Impedance DC: (1MΩ+2%) || (18pF ±3pF)
Max Input Voltage 400V, 1MΩ
Channel Isolation >100:1
Probe Attenuator 1X, 10X, 50X, 100X, 500X, 1000X
Horizontal System
Timebase Scale 2.5ns/div - 50s/div
Channel Skew <500ps
Display Format Y-T, X-Y, Scan
Timebase Accuracy ±50ppm
Scan Mode 100ms/div - 50s/div
Vertical System
Bandwidth (-3dB) 100Mhz
Vertical Resolution 8 bit
Vertical Scale (Probe 1x) 2mV/div - 10V/div (1-2-5)
Offset Range (Probe 1x) 2mV - 200mV: ±1.6V; 206mV - 10V: ±40V
Bandwidth Limit 20MHz ±40%
Bandwidth Flatness DC - 10% (BW): ±1dB
10% - 50% (BW): ±2dB
50% - 100% (BW): +2dB/-3dB
Low Frequency Response (AC-3dB) ≤10Hz (at input BNC)
Noise STDEV ≤0.6div (≥5mV/div)
STDEV ≤0.7div (2mV/div)
DC Gain Accuracy ≤±3.0%: 5mV/div - 10V/div
≤4.0%: ≤2mV/div
DC Measurement Accuracy ±[3% x (|reading|+offset|) + 1%|offset| + 0.2div+2mV], ≤100mV/div
±[3%× (|reading|+|offset|) +1%×|offset| +0.2 div+100 mV] , >100 mV/div
Rise Time Typical 3.5ns
Overshoot (500ps Pulse) <10%
Trigger System
Trigger Modes Auto, normal and single
Trigger Level Range Internal: ±6 divisions from center of screen
EXT: ±1.2V
EXT/5: ±6V
Hold Off Range 100ns - 1.5s
Trigger Coupling AC, DC, LF Rej, HF Rej
Trigger Sensitivity 1 divisons: DC-10Hz
1.5 Divisons: 10MHz - Max BW
Trigger Displacement Pre-trigger: memory depth / (2* sampling)
Delay trigger: 260 div
Edge Trigger
Slope Rising, Falling, Rising and Falling
Source CH1/CH2/EXT/(EXT/5)/AC LIne
Slope Trigger
Slope Rising, Falling
Limit Range <, >, =
Source CH1/CH2
Time Range 20ns to 10s
Pulse Trigger
Polarity +wid, =wid
Limit Range <. >, =
Source CH1/CH2
Pulse Range 20ns to 10s
Video Trigger
Signal Standard NTSC, PAL/Secam
Source CH1/CH2
Trigger Condition Odd field, even field, all lines, line num
Measurement System
Source CH1, CH2
Measurement Parameters (32 Types)  
Vertical (Voltage)  
Vmax Highest value in input waveform
Vmin Lowest value in input waveform
Vpp Difference between maximum and minimum data values
Vamp Difference between top and base in bimodal signal, or between max and min in an unimodal signal
Vtop Value of most probable higher state in a bimodal waveform
Vbase Value of most probable lower state in a bimodal waveform
Mean Average of all data values
Vmean Average of data values in the first cycle (condition: there is an entire period)
Vrms Root mean square of all data values
Crms Root mean square of all data values in the first cycle (condition: there is an entire period)
FOV Overshoot after a falling edge; (base-min)/Amplitude
FPRE Overshoot before a falling edge; (max-top)/Amplitude
ROV Overshoot after a rising edge; (base-min)/Amplitude
RPRE Overshoot before a rising edge; (base-min)/Amplitude
Horizontal (Time)  
Period Period for every cycle in waveform at the 50% level, and positive slope
Freq Frequency for every cycle in waveform at the 50% level, and positive slope
+Wid Width measured at 50% level and positive slope
-Wid Width measured at 50% level and negative slope
Rise Time Duration of rising edge from 10 to 90%
Fall Time Duration of falling edge from 90 to 10%
Bwid Time from the first rising edge to the last falling edge, or the first falling edge to the last rising edge at the 50% crossing
+Dut Ratio of positive width to period
-Dut Ratio of negative width to period
Phase Calculates the phase difference between two edges (condition: there is an entire period)
FRR Time between the first rising edges of the two channels
FRF Time from the first rising edge of channel A, to the first falling edge of channel B
FFR Time from the first falling edge of channel A, to the first rising edge of channel B
FFF Time from the first falling edge of channel A, to the first falling edge of channel B
LRR Time from the first rising edge of channel A, to the last rising edge of channel B (condition: there is an entire period)
LRF Time from the first rising edge of channel A, to the last falling edge of channel B (condition: there is an entire period)
LFR Time from the first falling edge of channel A, to the last rising edge of channel B (condition: there is an entire period)
LFF Time from the first falling edge of channel A, to the last falling edge of channel B
Cursors Manual mode, Track Mode and Auto Mode
Counter Hardware counter (resolution 1Hz)
Mathematical Function
Operation +, -, *, /, FFT
FFT Rectangular, Blackman, Hanning, Hamming
FFT Display Full Screen, Split
Type Setting, waveform, BMP, CSV
2 refs, 20 settings, 10 waveforms internal
Save to USB Disk
Standard Interfaces USB Host, USB Device, LAN, PASS/FAIL
Display (Screen)
Display Type 7 inch TFT-LCD
Display Resolution 800 x 480
Display Colour 24 bit
Contrast (Typical) 500:1
Backlight 300nit
Wave Display Range 8 x 16 div
Wave Display Mode Dots, vectors
Persist Off, 1s, 2s, 5s, Infinite
Menu Display 2sec, 5 sec, 10 sec, 20 sec, Infinite
Screensaver Off, 1 min, 2 min, 5 min, 10 min, 15 min, 30 min, 1 hour, 2 hours, 5 hours
Colour Mode Normal, Invert
Language English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Arabic, French, German, Russian, Portugese Spanish, Japanese, Korean, Italian
Environmental Data
Temperature Operating: 10 to +40°C
Non-Operating: -20 to +60°C
Humidity Operating: 85% RH, 40°C, 24 hours
Non-Operating: 85% RH, 65°C, 24 hours
Height Operating: ≤3000m
Non-Operating: ≤15,266m
Power Supply
Input 100 to 240V rms 50/60Hz
100 to 120V rms 400Hz
Power 50W max
Mechanical Specs
Dimensions Length: 323.1mm
Width: 135.6mm
Height: 157mm
Weight N.W: 2.5kg
Document Downloads
Siglent SDS1000CML+ Oscilloscope Series - Datasheet Datasheet
Siglent SDS1000CML+ Oscilloscope Series - User Manual Manual/Guide
Additional Information
Manufacturer Part Code

Customer Reviews

Siglent SDS1102CML+ Dual-Channel Bench Oscilloscope (100 MHz)
£334.80 inc vat
£334.80 inc vat