Gain a certificate of competency to carry out PAT testing in just two hours with our online PAT course and exam. Suitable for complete beginners, our online video, presented by Barry Atkins an electrician with years of experience, will guide you through the course, providing all the information required to pass the twenty-four-question multiple-choice exam in an easy-to-understand, digestible way, alongside real-life PAT testing demonstrations.
The course can be accessed anytime via a smartphone, tablet, or desktop, allowing you to complete it at a time that is convenient to you and your business. We are confident that you’ll pass the multiple-choice exam the first time; however, should you make a mistake, the test can be retaken as many times as is necessary to attain a pass mark (70%+).
Currently, all course activation codes are located on a PAT reference card and will be sent by post. The course activation code is also located on the invoice which is attached to an email on despatch (not the order confirmation email).
Enter this code at and follow the onscreen instructions.
Teams of staff may be trained by purchasing the course multiple times; each staff member will be assigned a unique activation code and login.
Made up of twelve sections and lasting approximately sixty-five minutes, there’s no limit to the number of times you can watch the course video. It does not have to be watched all in one go (although it can be); you can dip in an out as and when is convenient for you.
Once you feel confident, sit the twenty-four-question multiple choice exam. This open-book test has no time limit. It can be sat as many times as necessary to attain a pass mark (70%+); although we are confident that you’ll pass the first time.
When you’ve passed the exam, you’ll receive a certificate of competency which may be downloaded and printed.
Even after successful completion of the course, you’ll be able to log back into your account at any point in the future should you wish to refresh your knowledge.