The Ohaus Defender 2000 indicators offer Ohaus' signature accuracy for commercial and industrial weighing applications at an unbeatable price. Depending on the OHAUS Defender 2000 Series when you need accuracy you can count on it while maximizing your budget.
Weighing, Parts Counting, Accumulation
Light-emitting diode display (LED)
AC Adapter (Included) or Rechargeable Battery (Included)
RS232 (Available as an Accessory)
ABS housing
ABS plastic housing, red LED display, tactile mechanical keys, optional RS232C with manual/continuous/interval printing, hardware configuration lockout switch, internal lead-acid rechargeable battery, and AC adapter. Software included for parts counting mode with selectable sample sizes and weighing totalization (Accumulation) functions. Selectable span calibration points
Capacity | Up to 20000 kg |
Maximum Displayed Resolution | 1:20000 |
Weighing Units | kg, g, lb |
Application Modes | Weighing, Parts Counting, Accumulation |
Construction | ABS plastic housing |
Display | 6-digit, 7-segment red LED, 20 mm high digits |
Keyboard | 4 function mechanical keys, raised, tactile |
Load Cell Excitation Voltage | 3 VDC |
Load Cell Drive | Up to 4 x 350-ohm load cells |
Load Cell Input Sensitivity | Up to 3 mV/V |
Zero Range | 2% or 100% of full-scale capacity |
Tare Range | Full capacity by subtraction |
Stabilization Time | 1 second |
Auto-Zero Tracking | Off, 0.5, 1, or 3 divisions |
Power | AC adapter with internal rechargeable lead acid battery |
Battery Life | 80 hours of continuous use with 12 hour recharge time |
Interface | Optional RS232 |
Operating Temperature Range | -10°C to 40°C |
Housing dimensions (W x D x H) | 210 x 168 x 80 mm |
Net Weight | 1.4 kg |