Metrel has advised that the firmware update for their MI3152 Multifunction Testers, which should have been available to download from their website/ software, has been delayed. To rectify this, Metrel has provided a link from which customers can download the firmware update and install it onto their Metrel MI3152 Multifunction Tester for free. This firmware update will enable the Metrel MI3152 Multifunction Tester to carry out an EV test it was previously unable to support.

Quick Links

Firmware Update

The Metrel MI3152 firmware update is available via this link. Metrel has provided these instructions for downloading and installing the update:

  1. Click the download button in the top-right of
    the screen
  2. Save the file once it has downloaded to your PC
  3. Open the Downloads folder on your PC
  4. Right-click on the MI3152 ZIP file and select
    Extract All
  5. Click on the MI3152 file and select updates
  6. Open the Upgrade-Automatic file
  7. A Flash Me page will appear
  8. Plug your MI3152 MFT into your PC via a USB port
  9. Select the comms port via the drop-down box to
    enable the download
  10. Run
    the file; it should have completed after approximately 20 minutes

Please note that Metrel advises that their firmware update is PC based. Customers with Apple devices may struggle. In this instance, Metrel requests that you get in contact to arrange a collection. Once collected, Metrel will update your MI3152 MFT and deliver it back to you free of charge.

Which Metrel MI3152 Multifunction Testers?

All Metrel MI3152 Multifunction Testers purchased from Feb/March 2021 onwards will be supplied with the firmware update already installed.

Further Information

For more information regarding the Metrel MI3152 EV firmware update or any of the aforementioned Metrel MI3152 Multifunction Testers, please don’t hesitate to contact our Sales team on 01642 931 329 or via our online form.