In May 2013, a new safety standard, BS EN 61243-3:2010, came into effect. It required voltage indicator manufacturers to incorporate a different method of limiting current in the event of cable damage. To ensure compliance with this revised British and European standard, which has been included in every subsequent edition of HSE’s GS38 Guidance Note, Martindale has updated their VI-13700/2 Two-Pole Voltage Indicator.

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The Problem

The Martindale VI-13700/2 Two-Pole Voltage Indicator includes a fuse in the probe. Technically, this design could cause unreliability; for instance, if there is a fault with the fuse, the voltage indicator may not indicate a hazardous voltage. Martindale explains that, although the risk of this happening is small and correct proving should help you to identify fuse issues, it means their VI-13700/2 Two-Pole Voltage Indicator no longer meets British and European BS EN 61243-3:2010 safety standards.

The Solution

To ensure compliance with revised standards, Martindale has developed a new VI-13800 Two-Pole Voltage Indicator with a high wattage resistor in the probe which will limit the current should the cable become damaged. This model offers greater protection than the VI-13700/2 Voltage Indicator and meets BS EN 61243-3:2010 specifications because the current that can flow under fault conditions is significantly less. To distinguish the VI-13800 from the VI-13700/2, its probe has been marked “impedance protected” and is black rather than yellow. Moreover, the Martindale VI-13800 Two-Pole Voltage Indicator is completely sealed and does not have any replaceable parts.

Martindale VI13800 Voltage Indicator

In addition to this, the Martindale VI-13800 Voltage Indicator features a heavy-duty, two-layer, double-insulated cable. A contrasting inner cable sheath means you can spot damage quickly and clearly.

Martindale has advised that, while there is no specific requirement to replace the VI-13700 Voltage Indicators, all new Martindale and Drummond voltage indicators will include the impedance-protected probe to comply with 2013’s BS EN 61243-3:2010 regulations. Martindale also stresses the importance of following proper proving and safe isolation procedures. The company has developed an easy-to-follow and memorable acronym, A.L.I.V.E, to help you remember the five key steps involved in ensuring effective safe isolation.

Safe Isolation: Staying A.L.I.V.E

Further Information

Please browse our collection of Martindale voltage indicators. For more help and advice regarding Martindale’s voltage indicators and/or safety standards, don't hesitate to get in touch with our Sales team on 01642 931 329 or via our online form.

Martindale Voltage Indicator Safety Standards – Application Note