PLEASE NOTE: once an order for this product has been placed it cannot be cancelled. This is because the software is assigned to a specific serial number and is therefore non-refundable.
We will also require your tester's serial number in order to get this product for you. Please call or email the sales team before purchasing to supply this, otherwise, there may be a delay on your order.
The app is only available for Android currently; it will not work on any iOS devices such as the iPhone or iPad.
The Metrel A1434 aPATLink Android Software has been designed to enhance the user’s speed and ease when handling data taken by a PAT instrument.
By using a smartphone with a barcode or QR code scanner to scan a QR code the user can access information regarding the tests performed by the PAT instrument and the data obtained during these tests, as well as access an overview of the testing parameters. This software also allows the user to enter and save data onto the test instrument using a smartphone keyboard, operate the PAT instrument remotely and share results directly to the office from on-site locations.
Further to this, the information accessed via the scanning of QR codes can be used to create a database(s) detailing the tested instruments’ IDs, names, and locations. Additionally, this software can be used to save projects to the company’s/user’s Dropbox account.
Metrel’s A1434 aPATLink Android Software features a built-in risk assessment calculator which provides correct re-test periods in accordance with COP version 4 and alerts the user of imminent retests via a warning on the user’s smartphone or tablet.
Furthermore, as the Metrel A1434 aPATLink Android Software only works by scanning QR codes, as oppose to barcodes, this software provides greater protection for the user’s business.
This software is compatible with:
• MI 3309 BT DeltaPAT Tester (with this PAT Tester the software can be used to create an auto-test)
• MI 3310 SigmaPAT Tester (HW3)
• MI 3310 25A SigmaPAT Tester (HW3)
Metrel’s A1434 aPATLink Android Software adds to the user’s efficiency as well as his/her ease of data interpretation, making it a practical addition to any of Metrel’s compatible PAT testers (as listed above).