Megger CABA Win Circuit Breaker Analysis Software

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  • Display additional tests
  • Coil current trace
  • Motion traces

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The Megger CABA Win circuit breaker analysis software has earned a benchmark reputation in circuit breaker analysis. CABA (Computer-Aided Breaker Analysis) Win organises all your test tasks and ensures that measurements are conducted similarly for each object being tested. The software then saves the results and generates a report.

When analysing the results, the CABA Win enables you to work with several graphic windows, compare different measurements by overlaying one graph on another in the same display, and use cursors and powerful zoom functions for detailed analysis. Test results from earlier versions of CABA are upward compatible with CABA Win.

CABA Win simplifies testing and ensures the quality of the test procedure, and it can be used with Megger circuit breaker testers TM1800, TM1700, TM1600/MA61, and EGIL.

CABA Local software run through

Effective circuit breaker maintenance requires well-organized, accurate testing. The ability to accurately compare circuit breaker tests with previous test results is essential. Therefore, it is required to conduct tests in the same way and under the same conditions as those conducted earlier. Comparison can then provide a clear picture of any deviations and changes, indicating whether the circuit breaker should be kept in operation or taken out of service for further investigation.

Comprehensive, accurate testing also requires analytical tools and efficient reporting. It must be possible to validate test results in detail and then easily compare them with other test results.

Key Features

  • Pre-defined standard test plans for quick and easy testing
  • Detailed circuit breaker analysis by accurate comparison with historical test results
  • Graphical display of a variety of measurements and timing test results
  • Compatible with TM1700, TM1800, TM1600/MA61, and EGIL units
  • Test ID with information about the selected circuit breaker under analysis and measurement
  • Design/change analysis window, test curves, colors, scales, and positioning
  • Compare with other tests
  • Cursors for detailed analysis
  • Display additional tests
  • Zoom
  • Motion traces
  • Coil current trace
  • Time measurements
  • Calculated parameters for the actual operation and pass/fail evaluation
  • Cursor values
Megger CABA Win Circuit Breaker Analysis Software features screen.


  1. Test ID with information about the selected circuit breaker under analysis and measurement
  2. Design/change analysis window, test curves, colors, scales, and positioning
  3. Compare with other tests
  4. Cursors for detailed analysis
  5. Display additional tests
  6. Zoom
  7. Motion traces
  8. Coil current trace
  9. Time measurements
  10. Calculated parameters for the actual operation and pass/fail evaluation
  11. Cursor values

TPE - Test Plan Editor

With this tool, you easily create test plans for your circuit breakers. The test plans will work together with the Circuit Breaker Analyzers TM1800, TM1700, and TM1600.

The TPE is a wizard for easy creating and editing all data for a circuit breaker test. The TPE shares the breaker list with CABA Win.

Megger CABA Win Circuit Breaker Analysis Software TPE test menu.

Design your test menu.

Megger CABA Win Circuit Breaker Analysis Software TPE main screen.
Test Plan Editor.
Megger CABA Win Circuit Breaker Analysis Software TPE breaker definition.

Define the breaker and motion preferences.

Megger CABA Win Circuit Breaker Analysis Software TPE settings.

Settings for breaker operations and measurement calculations.

Test Data and Breaker Data

The test data and all the items of information about the circuit breaker are stored individually as shown in Figure 1. CABA Win uses the Microsoft Access database. The data can be copied and/or exported to other data media and formats e.g. Microsoft Excel.

Transducers and conversion tables

Linear and angular travel, voltage, current, pressure, and vibration transducers can be defined and calibrated with CABA Win. See Figure 2. The calibration accuracy for a transducer is determined by the user. The calibration program automatically indicates whether or not the desired accuracy has been achieved, along with the actual calibration data. CABA Win gives the user the flexibility of importing or exporting a transducer to/from the transducer list. A conversion table needed to recalculate data from angular movement to linear movement can be linked to a given circuit breaker. This makes it possible to measure the contact travel of a circuit breaker in situations where a transducer cannot be connected directly to the moving contact.

Analyzing the Test Data

The test data is presented graphically and in tabular format. Multiple graphs and test results can be displayed simultaneously, see Figure 3. Zoom functions and cursors make it easy to conduct detailed analysis of test data. Comparisons between different tests can be viewed conveniently by overlaying them in a single window. Colors, grids, scales, and the positioning of the test data are all controlled by the user.


For each parameter and operation, you can define pass and fail lim- its for each circuit breaker. If you activate the function, CABA Win automatically compares each measured value to the actual limits and flags the values that are outside the limits.


Database functionality for easy administration and backup of measurements is available in CABA Win. The Microsoft Access-based database lists all the circuit breakers with their specification and pertaining tests.

Calculation Parameters

Readings and calculated values are presented in tabular format. The test plan determines which parameters are to be calculated and presented. You can delete and/or add calculated parameters, depending on the circuit breaker design, the way it is hooked up, and the operations being performed. More than 300 different calculation parameters are defined in CABA Win.

Test Plans

Several standard test plans are delivered with CABA Win. Contact your Megger representative for customer-specific test plans and conversion tables.


CABA Win contains a complete report generator that enables the user to design unique report forms as desired. Several pre-defined standard reports can be used as supplied, or they can be edited. The report form is saved together with the breaker data and can be used in future tests. Graphs and screen displays can be copied to the clipboard and a folder for additional processing in other Windows® applications software.

Megger CABA Win Circuit Breaker Analysis Software Test and circuit breaker example.

Fig. 1. Test and circuit breaker data are stored individually

Megger CABA Win Circuit Breaker Analysis Software Test and linear and angular trave example.

Fig. 2. Linear and angular travel, voltage, current, pressure, and vibration transducers can be defined and calibrated with CABA Win

Megger CABA Win Circuit Breaker Analysis Software Test and multiple graphs and test results example.

Fig. 3. Multiple graphs and test results can be displayed simultaneously

Product Range

  • Megger CG-8203X CABA Win TM1600/MA61 Circuit Breaker Analysis Software
  • Megger CG-8206X CABA Win EGIL Circuit Breaker Analysis Software and Accessories
  • Megger CG-8000X CABA Win TM1700 & TM1800 Circuit Breaker Analysis Software and Accessories
Series/Model Included Data Communication
TM1800 Ethernet cross-over cable
TM1700 Ethernet cross-over cable
TM1600/MA61 USB interface & fiber-optic modem
EGIL USB cable
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Megger CABA Win Datasheet Datasheet
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Megger CABA Win Circuit Breaker Analysis Software