The Megger Bar Code Scanner is designed to accompany your PAT testing equipment, allowing you to quickly scan labels placed on equipment and calling up readings on your PAT tester quickly without digging through mounds of data.
It's an essential tool for professionals regularly carrying out routine PAT testing of equipment as scanning the labels on a device allows you to see exactly what results you gained from your previous PAT test without sifting through every single item. Just scan, go, and PAT test.
The Megger Bar Code Scanner actually integrates directly with Megger's PAT410, PAT420 and PAT450 testers via a handy USB cable; there's literally hardly any set-up involved here and you'll be flying along completing PAT tests more efficiently than ever before within minutes.
With any device such as this - particular if you've got a small, portable PAT tester - it's always handy to have a piece of testing equipment that's portable as well. Thankfully the Megger Bar Code Scanner is just that; the device itself is both portable and easily carried with a PAT tester, while the supplied cradle and stand allow the bar code scanner to be also fixed to a point such as a desk, should you wish to bring the devices you want to PAT test to the scanner, rather than the other way around. This versatility makes the Megger Bar Code Scanner really shine as a quality accessory for PAT testing.
- Connectable via USB to Megger's PAT410, 420 and 450 range
- PAT testing on the fly - easy readings of labels
- Portable
- Supplied with stand and cradle
- Displays test readings on your PAT tester after scanning
- Quality Megger product