The Fluke i1010 has a current range of 1A to 600A of AC voltage and 1A to 1000A of DC voltage. Its basic accuracy is perfect if you want the best results at all times, for DC voltage it is 45Hz to 400Hz ± (2% of reading +0.5A). Its output signal is 1m V/A for AC/DC voltage and it also has a frequency range of 45Hz to 2kHz and a bandwidth of 10kHZ.
The best working voltage for this testing equipment is 600V AC RMS and the maximum conductor size that it can use is either one conductor measuring 30 centimetres or another that measures 25 millimetres in diameter.
Contained in this current clamp meter kit is a 1-1000A DC Current Clamp, a Probe powered by a battery with Hall Effect technology, and a 1m V/Amp output that guarantees that you can take easy readings on your meter.
Also included with this testing equipment is a roomy carrying case that can hold each piece of equipment that is part of this kit and protects your current clamp meter. There is also extra storage included for the test leads, probes and manuals that are included.
The Fluke i1010 Kit AC/DC Current Clamp (1000 A) with Soft Case has a safety rating of EN61010 and CAT III 600V. It is safe and easy to use, meaning peace of mind and less work for you.
Spend £150+ (Ex VAT) on any qualified Fluke or Beha-Amprobe product(s) and claim a free tool of your choice from the list at Fluke Promotion. Valid February 17 2025 - July 31 2025.
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