The Fluke i1000s has been designed to expand the applications and abilities of oscilloscope and digital clamp multimeters that are used in power and industrial environments. This makes it perfect for measuring harmonics and the waveforms of currents.
It allows you to accurately measure the levels of currents between 100mA and 1000 A RMS, as well as 5Hz to 100 kHz without needing to break the circuit. This means less work for you.
This current clamp contains a passive filter that eliminates all noise and rings on any di/dt waveforms that may start to rise rapidly. This ensures that all of the results that are displayed to you on the screen are as accurate as possible. One feature that makes this device even simpler to use is that it can connect directly into the digital clamp multimeter or oscilloscope by using the reinforced coaxial cable and the insulated BNC connector, both of which are included in the kit.