FilesThruTheAir EL-WIFI-VAC/2 Vaccine Monitoring Data Loggers

All FilesThruTheAir Products
  • Simulate the thermal lag experienced by vaccines
  • Log measurements to a local PC or FilesThruTheAir EasyLog Cloud
  • Available with one or two glycol probes

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The FilesThruTheAir EL-WIFI-VAC/2 Vaccine Monitoring Data Loggers are available in two models with either a single glycol probe or two glycol probes.  For further details, please see the following table.

Product Code Product Name  Number of Glycol Probes  Suitability
EL-WIFI-VAC FilesThruTheAir EL-WIFI-VAC Vaccine Monitoring Data Logger - Single Glycol Probe 1 Suitable for measuring the temperature of a single location.
EL-WIFI-VAC2 FilesThruTheAir EL-WIFI-VAC2 Vaccine Monitoring Data Logger - Two Glycol Probes 2 Suitable for measuring the temperatures of two locations simultaneously. 

The FilesThruTheAir EL-WIFI-VAC/2 Vaccine Monitoring Data Loggers are optimised for monitoring vaccine temperatures. Their thermistor probes are immersed in glycol bottles providing the data logger with a buffered response to changes in temperature; thereby allowing it to mimic the thermal lag experienced by vaccines and provide the user with a more realistic and accurate temperature measurement.   

The FilesThruTheAir EL-WIFI-VAC/2 Vaccine Monitoring Data Loggers have an accuracy of ±0.2°C / ±0.4°F and feature a temperature range of -40 to +60°C /-40 to +140°F. The FilesThruTheAir EL-WIFI-VAC/2 Vaccine Monitoring Data Loggers can be configured to log measurements via Wi-Fi to either a local PC or the FilesThruTheAir EasyLog Cloud. Logging rates can be set at intervals ranging from every ten seconds to every twelve hours.

The FilesThruTheAir EL-WIFI-VAC/2 Vaccine Monitoring Data Loggers are configured using the free FilesThruTheAir PC Software (NOT included). This software allows the user to specify the location to which the temperature measurements should be saved (either a local PC or the FilesThruTheAir EasyLog Cloud), the logging rate, and the desired Wi-Fi connection. It can also be used to program high and low alarms. If the alarm limits are breached the data loggers will alert the user via email notifications and an alarm indicator.

Once the FilesThruTheAir EL-WIFI-VAC/2 Vaccine Monitoring Data Loggers have been connected to the desired Wi-Fi network they can be placed anywhere within its range.

Viewing and accessing data saved to the FilesThruTheAir EasyLog Cloud is possible via internet-enabled devices, for instance, a laptop, PC, tablet or smartphone. It is also possible to access the FilesThruTheAir EasyLog Cloud via the EasyLog Cloud App. Using the EasyLog Cloud, the operator can view, analyse and graph both current and historical data. Please see the video below for a quick introduction to the FilesThruTheAir EasyLog Cloud.

EasyLog Cloud Promotional Video

Finally, the FilesThruTheAir EL-WIFI-VAC/2 Vaccine Monitoring Data Loggers are designed to be compliant with the following international requirements for vaccine thermometers:

  • Capable of continuously monitoring temperatures
  • Features an active display
  • Is comprised of a digital thermometer and a probe/ probes in a glycol-filled bottle/ bottles
  • Alarms for out-of-range temperatures
  • Current temperature display
  • Min and Max temperature display
  • Reset button
  • Within ±0.5°C / ±1°F accuracy
  • Low battery indicator
  • The main device is able to remain outside the storage unit,  ensuring that temperature measurements can be conducted without opening the fridge door

In addition to monitoring vaccines, these FilesThruTheAir EL-WIFI-VAC/2 Vaccine Monitoring Data Loggers are also suitable for monitoring storage units for food and drink. However; they are of particular use to medical institutions and professionals as ensuring vaccines are stored at correct temperatures can prevent waste, ensure efficient practice, and provide considerable savings.

FilesThruTheAir EL-WIFI-VAC/2 Vaccine Monitoring Data Loggers Key Features

  • Available in two models with either a single glycol probe or two glycol probes
  • Optimised for monitoring vaccine temperatures
  • Thermistor probes immersed in glycol imitate the thermal lag of vaccines
  • Provides the user with a realistic and accurate temperature reading
  • Accuracy: ±0.2°C / ±0.4°F
  • Temperature range: -40 to +60°C /-40 to +140°F
  • Log measurements via Wi-Fi
  • Stream measurements wirelessly to either a local PC or the FilesThruTheAir EasyLog Cloud
  • Logging rates can be set at intervals ranging from every ten seconds to every twelve hours
  • Configure the data loggers using the free FilesThruTheAir PC Software (NOT included)
  • Use the software to specify logging location, logging rate, and the desired Wi-Fi connection
  • Use the software to program high and low alarms
  • If upper or lower limits are breached the data loggers will alert the user via email notifications and an alarm indicator
  • Once connected to the desired Wi-Fi network the data loggers can be placed anywhere within its range
  • Access and view measurements recorded to the FilesThruTheAir EasyLog Cloud via internet-enabled devices or the EasyLog Cloud App
  • Use the EasyLog Cloud to view, analyse and graph current and historical data
  • Designed to be compliant with international requirements for vaccine thermometers
  • Capable of continuously monitoring temperatures
  • Features an active display
  • Is comprised of a digital thermometer and a probe/ probes  in a glycol-filled bottle/ bottles
  • Alarms for out-of-range temperatures
  • Current temperature display
  • Min and Max temperature display
  • Reset button
  • Within ±0.5°C / ±1°F accuracy
  • Low battery indicator
  • The main device is able to remain outside the storage unit, ensuring that temperature measurements can be conducted without opening the fridge door
  • Suitable for medical, as well as food and drink storage applications

What’s Included?

  • Your Choice of FilesThruTheAir EL-WIFI-VAC/2 Vaccine Monitoring Data Logger
£202.80 inc vat
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Technical Information

FilesThruTheAir EL-WIFI-VAC/2 Vaccine Monitoring Data Loggers Technical Specifications

Measurement range (probe supplied) -40 to 60°C (-40 to 140°F)
Measurement resolution 0.01°C (0.01°F)
Measurement accuracy (typical) ±0.2°C (-15 to +60°C) ±0.4°F (+5 to +140°F)
Measurement accuracy (maximum) ±0.6°C (-40 to +60°C/ -40 to +140°F)
Operating temperature (module) -20 to +60°C (-4 to +140°F)
Readings Unlimited
Logging Rate User selectable between 10 seconds and 12 hours
Battery Life Rechargeable Battery / 6 Months Battery Life / Mains Powered Option
Calibration Certificate Supplied at 2 and 8°C
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Manufacturer Part Code

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FilesThruTheAir EL-WIFI-VAC/2 Vaccine Monitoring Data Loggers
£202.80 inc vat
£202.80 inc vat