Program this USB datalogger using the included software and it’ll constantly record up to 32000 current loop readings over a range of 4-20mA DC.
Featuring fully configurable start time and logging rate, the EL-USB-4 can be precisely configured to your unique application. Once recording is done, the datalogger can then be inserted into a PC via the USB port and downloaded straight into the software to graph, print and export data.
User-programmable alarm thresholds can also be configured before logging takes place. The battery of this product will also last, on average, for around 1 year for long periods of logging.
Specifications | Minimum | Typical | Maximum |
0-40mA DC measurement range | 4mA DC | - | 20mA DC |
Internal Resolution | - | 0.05mA DC | - |
Accuracy (Overall Error) | - | ±1% ±1 count | - |
Logging Rate | Every 1 second | - | Every 12 hours |
Battery Life | - | 1 year (depending on ambient temperature, logging rate and use of alarm LEDs | - |