The easy way to log temperature readings! Just plug the EL-USB-1 into your PC, use the software to configure and start recording temperature.
Capable of storing up to 16,382 temperature readings over a range of -35 to 80°C (-31 to 176°F), both the logging rate and the start time of the EL-USB-1 can be configured to the user’s exact specifications and a built-in alarm with configurable thresholds is also included. Once done recording, just plug the logger directly into your PC and you’ll be able to download the data in order to create graphs, print or even export into other programs.
This product’s battery will last, on average, for an entire year. It is supplied as standard with a protective cap that – when attached – protects the unit from moisture damage to IP67.
Why not also combine this datalogger with EasyLog’s El-DataPad so you can download information without the need to visit your PC?
Specifications | Minimum | Typical | Maximum |
Measurement Range | -35°C (31°F) | - | +80°C (+176°F) |
Internal Resolution | - | 0.5°C (1°F) | - |
Accuracy (Overall Error) | - | ±1°C (±2°F) | - |
Logging Rate | Every 10s | - | Every 12 hours |
Operating Temperature Range | -35°C (-31°F) | - | +80°C (+176°F) |
1/2AA 3.6V Lithium Battery Life | - | 1 year (at 25°C and 1m logging rate) |
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