Important Product Safety Recall Information
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Martindale Answers Common PAT Testing Questions
In recent blog posts, Martindale Electric’s Steve Dunning and Paul Wilson outline PAT testing and training requirements. In doing so, they have answered many common PAT testing FAQs. This blog summarises the information presented by Dunning and Wilson.[1] Continue reading → -
Avoid These 9 Common PAT Testing Mistakes
Even seasoned professionals with years of experience testing portable appliances are liable to make the occasional PAT testing mistake. Using Martindale’s guide to Basic PAT Testing Mistakes, we’ve compiled a list of nine common PAT testing mistakes to avoid.[1] Continue reading → -
Safe Isolation: Staying A.L.I.V.E
It has been sixteen years since Michael Adamson, an experienced 26-year-old electrician, tragically died after cutting a cable marked “NOT IN USE”. The cable had been wired into a distribution board and was not safely isolated; Michael suffered a fatal electric shock. Over the years, leading bodies, such as the Electrical Safety Roundtable, have worked to develop procedures and protocols designed to prevent injuries and fatalities caused by a lack of safe isolation. Now, Martindale has developed an easy-to-follow and memorable safe isolation process: A.L.I.V.E.[1] Continue reading →
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