Confused by a symbol and not sure what it means? This handy guide should be able to help!
The world of testing equipment is vast and filled with so many parameters and different types of terminology that sometimes it can be hard to keep track of exactly what everything means. This guide aims to help you have an easy reference point for parameters that we might mention on site and perhaps some others.
The Terms
AC - Alternating Current or Voltage
DC - Direct Current or Voltage
V - Volts
mV - Millvolts
kV - Kilovolts
A- Amperes (amps)
mA - MilliAmperes
µA 0 Microamperes (the µ represents 'micro')
W - Watts
KΩ - KiloOhm
MΩ - Megohm
Hz - Hertz
kHz - Kilohertz
µF - Microfarads
nF - Nanofarads
°F - Degrees Fahrenheit
°C - Degrees Celsius
LOG - Readings are being recorded
LO - Low
nS - Nanosiemens
MEM - Memory
MS - Time display in minutes/seconds
HM - Time display in hours/minutes
RPM - Revolutions per minute
COM - Common
OL - Overload
T - Time
LSD - Least Significant Digit
MAX - Maximum
MIN - Minimum
AVG - Average
TRIG - Trigger
Vave - Average Voltage
Vp - Peak Voltage
Vp-p - Peak-to-peak voltage
Vrms - Root-mean-square (RMS) voltage
Hi-z - High input impedance
dB - Decibel
dBV - Decibel Volts
dBW - Decibel Watts