International Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations dictate that employers are responsible for controlling risks of fire and explosions. This often means investing in intrinsically safe equipment suitable for hazardous areas, sometimes known as explosive locations, or ATEX (Europe) or IECEx (worldwide) zones. However, this is easier said than done. First, you have to know how to identify these zones. Moreover, if you anticipate sharing equipment between international sites, you need to understand how world/European classifications correspond to those used in, for example, North America. That is why we have compiled a simple guide to help you purchase the correct equipment for hazardous areas; so you can protect your staff; maintain regulatory compliance; and avoid dangerous and expensive explosions.[1]
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High Voltage and Industrial
FREE High Voltage Testing Workshop
FREE High Voltage Testing Workshop on Thursday 28th November at PASS – Hamilton (Glasgow) Postcode: ML3 0QQ. Join us for a High Voltage Testing Workshop on “How to Use Test Equipment for High Voltage Testing & Commissioning”, presented by T&R Test Equipment Ltd. Continue reading → -
8 Reasons to Choose a Fluke ii-Series Acoustic Imaging Camera
Acoustic imagers make routine maintenance inspections easy, efficient, and effective. However, where once acoustic imagers were few and far between, now many leading manufacturers offer these inspection tools. More choice is of course better for the consumer; nevertheless, it does present the problem of knowing which model is best for you and your business’ needs. Fluke, who led the charge on acoustic imaging with the ii900 and ii910, has announced three new models, the ii500, ii905, and ii915, that build on the capabilities of their predecessors. When pondering which acoustic imager to choose, consider the following eight reasons for choosing a Fluke ii-series Acoustic Imaging Camera. Continue reading → -
High Voltage Testing Workshop: How to Use T&R Equipment for High Voltage Testing & Commissioning
T&R’s free high voltage (HV) testing workshop will take place on the 30th July at PASS Ltd’s training centre. It will cover electrical relay testing; primary injection testing; and high voltage testing for dead using T&R’s HV equipment. This workshop is intended as an introduction to T&R high voltage testing tools and will provide instruction on using these instruments to complete high voltage testing procedures. Read on for further details and information on the topics covered. Continue reading → -
Conquering Compressed Air Leaks: Seeing Sound & Saving Money with FLIR’s Si-Series Acoustic Cameras
Compressed air leaks account for approximately 30% of manufacturing plants’ electricity consumption. With energy prices subject to volatile global situations, wasting nearly a third of a facility’s compressed air can be extremely costly. Unfortunately, spotting sources of air leaks and quantifying their severity can be difficult and time-consuming. Fear not, for FLIR has developed a series of simple-to-use, handheld acoustic imagers capable of seeing sound, undetectable to the human ear, emitted by compressed air leaks. As a result, FLIR attests that their Si-Series of Industrial Acoustic Imaging Cameras could save businesses up to £29 500 a year. Continue reading → -
PASS Teams Up with Megger for SVERKER Tips & Tricks Workshop
Megger and PASS have come together to deliver three FREE exclusive workshops on the capabilities and applications of the Megger SVERKER Relay Test Sets. Suitable for existing, new, and future users of Megger’s relay sets, these free tips & tricks workshops provide a comprehensive introduction to the SVERKERs as well as helpful pointers on how to maximise their testing potential in various scenarios. There are a few spaces still available at our Scotland branch in Hamilton on 17th September. Book your place at the Hamilton Eventbrite page here Continue reading → -
Teledyne FLIR Si124 Acoustic Imager Improves Productivity at Pharmaceutical Plant
Compressed air leaks were compromising productivity and the safety of staff at an international pharmaceutical and biotechnology plant. Looking for an easy-to-use yet effective method of detecting air leaks, the company turned to the Teledyne FLIR Si124 Acoustic Camera. Continue reading → -
New Product Announcement: Fluke 831 & 835 Laser Alignment Tools
Misalignment is a common cause of damage to rotating machinery. Despite this, it is often overlooked by engineers due to the misconception that alignment takes too long. Instead, mechanical maintenance teams and facilities engineers opt to treat the symptoms of misalignment by, for example, replacing bearings, couplings, belts, or seals. However, Fluke's 831 Laser Shaft Alignment Tool and 835 Laser Belt Alignment Tool facilitate quick and simple shaft alignment for coupled and belt-driven rotating machinery, potentially saving you thousands! Continue reading → -
Fluke ii900 Acoustic Imagers: LeakQ, PDQ, MecQ Overview
Fluke’s range of ii900 Acoustic Imagers, including the original ii900 and the upgraded ii910, have been specifically designed to ensure they are easy to use. With a simple one-button touchscreen interface, as well as clear acoustic imaging, operating the Fluke ii900 and ii910 Ultrasonic Cameras does not require specialist training. Thereby, allowing you to pinpoint leaks, mechanical failings, or partial discharge quickly. To this end, both models feature quantification modes, LeakQ, PDQ (ii910 only), and MecQ (ii910 only), intended to streamline and simplify analysis and reporting. Continue reading →