The Protimeter Salt Analysis Kit is designed to help the user to ascertain the presence of soil salts. To this end, it includes the following test equipment:
Nitrates and chlorides present in soil water are often left behind when soil water evaporates. This kit allows the user to test for these salts quickly and easily. A change in colour will indicate that nitrates and chlorides are present.
The Protimeter Salt Analysis Kit is of particular use to surveyors who require a fast way to check wall surfaces, plaster and wallpaper for the presence of these salts (provided the material or structure has been left undisturbed for several years).
The presence of these salts could indicate rising damp, however, other information such as moisture distribution within the building should also be considered before arriving at a concrete conclusion.
The Protimeter Salt Analysis Kit is suitable for helping to identify the presence of nitrates and chlorides, which could be of particular use to surveyors analysing building materials and structures.