Suitable for absolute pressure applications in natural gas, the Ametek Crystal XP2i Digital Absolute Pressure Gauge is an ultra-rugged, intrinsically safe digital test gauge providing an absolute pressure readout. There are ten ranges supporting absolute pressure from 0 to 15 000 psiA and three selectable accuracies (0.1% of reading, 0.02% of full scale, or 0.05% of full scale) available. To ensure accurate and reliable operation, the Ametek Crystal XP2i Digital Absolute Pressure Gauge will issue calibration reminders and alerts; please see the video below for further information
Finally, the Ametek Crystal XP2i Digital Absolute Pressure Gauge is housed in a waterproof enclosure that resists corrosion and is temperature compensated from -10°C to +50°C. The Ametek Crystal XP2i Digital Absolute Pressure Gauge is a rugged, reliable absolute pressure digital test gauge.
The Ametek Crystal XP2i Digital Absolute Pressure Gauge can be purchased with optional data logging software. The DataLoggerXP software enables over a year of continuous recording time and models with this software can record up to 32 000 data points. Please see the video below for more information.
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