Aim-TTi TGP3121 25MHz Pulse & Universal Generator – 1 Channel

All Aim-TTi Products
  • A powerful, single-channel, true pulse, noise, and function generator
  • Generate pulse waveforms between 1MHz and 25MHz
  • Perform linear and logarithmic sweeps across all waveform types

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The Aim-TTi TGP3121 25MHz Pulse & Universal Generator is a powerful, single-channel universal waveform generator. It has a high-capacity output that provides 20V pk-pk into 50Ω (unmatched).

It supports pulse, double pulse, pulse pattern and PRBS waveforms, as well as AM, FM, PM, FSK, BPSK, SUM, PWM, and PDM pulse modulation using an internal or external modulation source. The Aim-TTi TGP3121 25MHz Pulse & Universal Generator can generate pulse waveforms between 1MHz and 25MHz with independently variable rise and fall times (8ns-800s). It has a pulse period, width, and display resolution of 100ps and 11 digits. Low jitter asynchronous operation is possible using externally triggered pulse or pulse reconstruction, while internal or external trigger sources facilitate gated or triggered (burst count) operation.

The Aim-TTi TGP3121 25MHz Pulse & Universal Generator can also be used as a full noise generator with a selectable crest factor and defined distribution. It can generate noise up to 25MHz.

In addition to this, the Aim-TTi TGP3121 25MHz Pulse & Universal Generator can be used as a full arbitrary/ function generator. It can create 16 waveform types, including sine waves up to 25MHz, at 800MS/s sampling rate and 16-bit resolution. The Aim-TTi TGP3121 25MHz Pulse & Universal Generator can also perform linear and logarithmic sweeps across all waveform types.

Finally, the Aim-TTi TGP3121 25MHz Pulse & Universal Generator supports USB, LXI-compliant LAN and GPIB (OPTIONAL) interfaces. It has a USB flash drive port on its front panel.

The Aim-TTi TGP3121 25MHz Pulse & Universal Generator is a high-performance, versatile, single-channel true pulse, noise, and function generator.

Aim-TTi TGP3121 25MHz Pulse & Universal Generator Key Features

  • A powerful, single-channel universal waveform generator
  • The high-capacity output provides 20V pk-pk into 50Ω (unmatched)
  • Supports pulse, double pulse, pulse pattern and PRBS waveforms
  • AM, FM, PM, FSK, BPSK, SUM, PWM and PDM pulse modulation using an internal or external modulation source
  • Generate pulse waveforms between 1MHz and 25MHz
  • Independently variable rise and fall times (8ns-800s)
  • Pulse period, width, and display resolution of 100ps and 11 digits
  • Low jitter asynchronous operation using externally triggered pulse or pulse reconstruction
  • Internal or external trigger sources facilitate gated or triggered (burst count) operation
  • Full noise generator with selectable crest factor and defined distribution
  • Generate noise up to 25MHz
  • Full arbitrary/ waveform generator
  • 16 waveform types
  • Sine waves up to 25MHz
  • 800MS/s sampling rate
  • 16-bit resolution
  • Perform linear and logarithmic sweeps across all waveform types
  • Supports USB, LXI-compliant LAN and GPIB (OPTIONAL) interfaces
  • USB flash drive port on the front panel
  • A high-performance, versatile, single-channel true pulse, noise, and function generator

What’s Included?

  • Aim-TTi TGP3121 25MHz Pulse & Universal Generator – 1 Channel
£1,525.20 inc vat
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Technical Information

Aim-TTi TGP3121 25MHz Pulse & Universal Generator Technical Specifications 

Standard Waveforms Pulse, Square, Double Pulse, Pattern, PRBS (Pseudo Random Binary Sequence), Noise, Pre-defined Function Waveforms (Sine, Square (User Defined Duty Cycle), Triangle, Ramp (User Defined Symmetry), Negative Ramp, DC, Sin(x)/x (User Defined Zero Crossings), Exponential Rise (User Defined Time Constant), Exponential Fall (User Defined Time Constant), Logarithmic Rise (User Defined Time Constant), Logarithmic Fall (User Defined Time Constant), Haversine, Gaussian (User Defined Width), Lorentz (User Defined Width), D-Lorentz and Cardiac) and 4 User Defined Arbitrary Waveforms.
Frequency Range 1mHz to 25MHz 
Frequency Resolution 1mHz, 11 digits
Jitter RMS <30ps (cycle to cycle)
Aberrations (Typical) ±5% of amplitude (for transition time 5ns); ±3% of amplitude (for
transition time 10ns); <±2% of amplitude (for transition time > 20ns)
Period Period can also be entered as frequency
Range 40ns to 1000s 
Resolution 100ps
Width Width can be entered as absolute width, duty cycle or fall time delay
Range 20ns to 999.99999998s 
Resolution 100ps
Accuracy ±200ps ±0.01% of period
Delay Delay can be entered as absolute delay, phase or % of period
Range 0ns to 999.99999996s 
Resolution 100ps
Accuracy ±200ps ±0.01% of period
Transition Time Rise and Fall times can be independently varied or can be varied
together simultaneously and can be entered as absolute rise/fall time
or as a % of width
Range 8ns to 799.999999984s (10% to 90%)

Resolution 100ps
Accuracy ±500ps ±0.01% of period
Double Pulse
Frequency Range 1mHz to 12.5MHz 
Frequency Resolution 1mHz, 11 digits
Jitter RMS <30ps (cycle to cycle)
Aberrations (Typical) ±5% of amplitude (for transition time 5ns); ±3% of amplitude (for
transition time 10ns); <±2% of amplitude (for transition time > 20ns)
Period Period can also be entered as frequency
Range 80ns to 1000s 
Resolution 100ps
Width Width can be entered as absolute width, duty cycle or fall time delay
Range 20ns to 499.99999998s 
Resolution 100ps
Accuracy ±200ps ±0.01% of period
Delay Delay can be entered as absolute delay, phase or % of period
Range 0ns to 999.99999992s 
Resolution 100ps
Accuracy ±200ps ±0.01% of period
Transition Time Rise and Fall times can be independently varied or can be varied
together simultaneously and can be entered as absolute rise/fall time
or as a % of width
Range 5ns to 399.999999984s (10% to 90%)

Resolution 100ps
Accuracy ±500ps ±0.01% of period
Double Delay Double delay is the delay from the start of the first pulse to the start
of the second pulse.
Range 20ns to 999.99999996ns 
Resolution 100ps
Accuracy ±200ps ±0.01% of period
Frequency Range 1mHz to 25MHz 
Frequency Resolution 1mHz, 11 digits
Jitter RMS <30ps (cycle to cycle)
Aberrations (Typical) ±3% of amplitude 
Period Period can also be entered as frequency
Range 40ns to 1000s 
Resolution 100ps
Duty Cycle Range 0.1% to 99.9%
  Resolution 0.1%
Transition Time (Rise and Fall) 8ns Fixed 
Bit Rate 1mbps to 25Mbps 
Bit Rate Resolution 1mbps, 11 digits
Pattern Source Internal from memory (memory size of 65536 bits with 1 bit resolution,
user-defined). Up to 4 user-defined patterns may be stored in non-volatile memory. Patterns can be defined by downloading of pattern data via remote interfaces or from instrument’s front panel.
Internal PRBS Sequence Length 2m – 1, where m = 7, 9, 11, 15, 20, 23, 29, 31
External 1 Pattern is applied at External Modulation Input. Indefinite pattern
length. Up to 5Mbps. The pattern is sampled at 50Mbps with user-defined
pattern threshold level.
External 2 (External Width) Pattern is applied at External TRIG IN. Indefinite Pattern Length. Upto 50Mbps. Fixed latency
Transition Time Rise and Fall times can be independently varied or can be varied together simultaneously and can be entered as absolute rise/fall time or as a % of width
Range 8ns to 799.999999984s (10% to 90%)
Resolution 100ps
Noise Bandwidth Defines the bandwidth in which the energy of the noise signal is concentrated
Range 1mHz to 12.5MHz 
Resolution 1mHz, 11 digits
Note Noise sampling rate is 3.2 times the specified bandwidth. DAC sampling rate is fixed at 800MSa/s. Intermediate points are calculated by interpolation. Frequency response follows Sin(x) / x (or Sinc) characteristic. Stopband attenuation of first aliasing / image band is 30dB, typical.
Noise Distribution (Amplitude Distribrution) Gaussian or user-defined (user-defined waveform defines how often a level will occur relative to all others). Waveform memory size is 2048 points.
Note  Waveform is stored in non-volatile memory. Waveform can be defined by downloading of waveform data via remote interfaces or from instrument’s front panel.
Crest Factor (Gaussian) 3.3, 4.8, 6.0, 7.0, Typical
Repetition Time > 10 years
Waveforms Sine, Square (User Defined Duty Cycle 1.0 % - 99.0%), Triangle, Ramp (User Defined Symmetry 0.0% - 100.0%), Negative Ramp, DC, Sin(x)/x (User Defined Zero Crossings 4 - 50), Exponential Rise (User Defined Time Constant 1.0% - 100.0%), Exponential Fall (User Defined Time Constant 1.0% - 100.0%), Logarithmic Rise (User Defined Time Constant 1.0%
- 100.0%), Logarithmic Fall (User Defined Time Constant 1.0% - 100.0%), Haversine, Gaussian (User Defined Width 1.0% - 100.0%), Lorentz (User Defined Width 1.0% - 100.0%), D-Lorentz and Cardiac
Waveform Memory Size 4096 points
Vertical Resolution 16 bits
Frequency Range 1mHz to 25MHz 
Frequency Resolution 1mHz, 11 digits
Sampling Rate 800MSa/s
Point to Point Jitter 1.25ns Typical
Sine Flatness (amplitude flatness) <100kHz 0.1dB
<5MHz 0.5dB
<25MHz 1.25dB
<50MHz 1.75dB
Sine Distortion at level <1 Vp-p > 1Vp-p
DC to 10MHz -60dBc -60dBc
10 to 50MHz -50dBc -40dBc
Sine Spurii (non harmonic) <–65dBc
Sine Phase Noise (10kHz offset) -113dBc/Hz, Typical
Ramp Linearity Error <0.1% to 200 kHz
Waveforms Up to 4 user-defined waveforms may be stored in non-volatile memory.
Waveforms can be defined by downloading of waveform data via remote interfaces or from instrument’s front panel.
Waveform Size 4096 points
Vertical Resolution 16 bits
Frequency Range 1mHz to 25MHz 
Frequency Resolution 1mHz, 11 digits
Sampling Rate 800MSa/s
Point to Point Jitter 1.25ns Typical
Internal Frequency Reference Internal Setting Error < ± 2ppm
Oscillator Ageing Rate < ± 1ppm first year
Temperature Stability < 1ppm over the specified temperature range
AM (Amplitude Modulation) Normal & Suppressed Carrier Carrier Waveforms Pulse, Double Pulse, Square, Pattern/PRBS, Noise, Function, Arb
Modulation Source Internal / External / (Other Channel on 2 channel models)
Internal Waveforms Sine, Square, Positive Ramp, Negative Ramp, Triangle, Gaussian Noise, DC, Sinc, Exponential Rise, Exponential Fall, Logarithmic Rise,
Logarithmic Fall, Haversine, Gaussian, Lorentz, D-Lorentz, Cardiac, PRBS-PN7, PN9, PN11, PN15, PN20, PN23, PN29, PN31 and User-Defined Arbs
Internal Frequency 1mHz to 10MHz, 1mHz resolution
Amplitude Depth 0.0% to 100%, 0.1% resolution
FM (Frequency Modulation) Carrier Waveforms Pulse (width, delay and edges are fixed when modulated), Double Pulse (width, delay, double delay and edges are fixed when modulated), Square (width is fixed when modulated), Pattern/PRBS (edges are fixed when modulated), Function (square duty cycle is fixed when modulated), Arb
Modulation Source Internal / External /(Other Channel on 2 channel models)
Internal Waveforms Sine, Square, Positive Ramp, Negative Ramp, Triangle, Gaussian Noise, DC, Sinc, Exponential Rise, Exponential Fall, Logarithmic Rise,
Logarithmic Fall, Haversine, Gaussian, Lorentz, D-Lorentz, Cardiac, PRBS-PN7, PN9, PN11, PN15, PN20, PN23, PN29, PN31 and User-Defined Arbs
Internal Frequency 1mHz to 10MHz, 1mHz resolution
Frequency Deviation DC to Fmax/2, 1 mHz resolution
PM (Phase Modulation) Carrier Waveforms Pulse, Double Pulse, Square, Function, Arb
Modulation Source Internal / External / (Other Channel on 2 channel models)
Internal Waveforms Sine, Square, Positive Ramp, Negative Ramp, Triangle, Gaussian Noise, DC, Sinc, Exponential Rise, Exponential Fall, Logarithmic Rise,
Logarithmic Fall, Haversine, Gaussian, Lorentz, D-Lorentz, Cardiac, PRBS-PN7, PN9, PN11, PN15, PN20, PN23, PN29, PN31 and User-Defined Arbs
Internal Frequency 1mHz to 10MHz, 1mHz resolution
Phase Deviation -360.0 to +360.0 degrees, 0.001 degree resolution
FSK (Frequency Shift Keying) Carrier Waveforms Pulse (width, delay and edges are fixed when modulated), Double Pulse (width, delay, double delay and edges are fixed when modulated), Square (width is fixed when modulated), Pattern/PRBS (edges are fixed when modulated), Function (square duty cycle is fixed when modulated), Arb
Source Internal / External (via TRIG IN)
Internal Modulation 2mHz to 10MHz, 1mHz resolution (50% duty cycle square)
BPSK (Binary Phase Shift Keying) Carrier Waveforms Pulse, Double Pulse, Square, Function, Arb
Source Internal / External (via TRIG IN)
Internal Modulation 2mHz to 10MHz, 1mHz resolution (50% duty cycle square)
SUM (Additive Modulation) Carrier Waveforms Pulse, Double Pulse, Square, Pattern/PRBS, Noise, Function, Arb
Modulation Source Internal / External / {Other Channel}
Internal Waveforms Sine, Square, Positive Ramp, Negative Ramp, Triangle, Gaussian Noise, DC, Sinc, Exponential Rise, Exponential Fall, Logarithmic Rise,
Logarithmic Fall, Haversine, Gaussian, Lorentz, D-Lorentz, Cardiac, PRBS-PN7, PN9, PN11, PN15, PN20, PN23, PN29, PN31 and User-Defined Arbs
Internal Frequency 1mHz to 10MHz, 1mHz resolution
Amplitude Depth 0.0% to 100.0%, 0.1% resolution
PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) Carrier Waveforms Pulse, Double Pulse
Modulation Source Internal / External / (Other Channel on 2 channel models)
Internal Waveforms Sine, Square, Positive Ramp, Negative Ramp, Triangle, Gaussian Noise, DC, Sinc, Exponential Rise, Exponential Fall, Logarithmic Rise,
Logarithmic Fall, Haversine, Gaussian, Lorentz, D-Lorentz, Cardiac, PRBS-PN7, PN9, PN11, PN15, PN20, PN23, PN29, PN31 and User-Defined Arbs
Internal Frequency 1mHz to 10MHz, 1mHz resolution
Width Deviation 0% to 100% of pulse width (subject to pulse width limits), resolution same as of pulse width
PDM (Pulse Delay Modulation) Carrier Waveforms Pulse, Double Pulse
Modulation Source Internal / External / (Other Channel on 2 channel models)
Internal Waveforms Sine, Square, Positive Ramp, Negative Ramp, Triangle, Gaussian Noise, DC, Sinc, Exponential Rise, Exponential Fall, Logarithmic Rise,
Logarithmic Fall, Haversine, Gaussian, Lorentz, D-Lorentz, Cardiac, PRBS-PN7, PN9, PN11, PN15, PN20, PN23, PN29, PN31 and User-Defined Arbs
Internal Frequency 1mHz to 10MHz, 1mHz resolution
Delay Deviation 0% to 100% of pulse delay (subject to pulse delay limits),
resolution same as of pulse delay
SPDM (Second Pulse Delay Modulation) Carrier Waveforms Double Pulse
Modulation Source Internal / External / (Other Channel on 2 channel models)
Internal Waveforms Sine, Square, Positive Ramp, Negative Ramp, Triangle, Gaussian Noise, DC, Sinc, Exponential Rise, Exponential Fall, Logarithmic Rise,
Logarithmic Fall, Haversine, Gaussian, Lorentz, D-Lorentz, Cardiac, PRBS-PN7, PN9, PN11, PN15, PN20, PN23, PN29, PN31 and User-Defined Arbs
Internal Frequency 1mHz to 10MHz, 1mHz resolution
Delay Deviation 0% to 100% of double delay (subject to double delay limits),
resolution same as of double delay
Gated Burst
Note Waveform will run while the Gate signal is true and stop while false. Starts synchronously with the input edge.
Carrier Waveforms Pulse, Double Pulse, Square, Pattern/PRBS, Noise, Function, Arb
Trigger Rep. Rate 2mHz to 50MHz internal (10ns period resolution)
DC to 50MHz external.
Gate Signal Source Internal from keyboard, trigger generator.External from TRIG IN or
remote interface.
Gate Phase (start/stop phase) -360.0 to +360.0 degrees, 0.001 degree resolution
(Phase offset cannot be set for Noise and Pattern / PRBS waveforms)
Triggered Burst
Note  Selected active edge will produce one burst of the waveform
Carrier Waveforms Pulse, Double Pulse, Square, Function, Arb
Pattern/PRBS: Selectable ‘Bit’ or ‘Block’ mode. In bit mode a fixed
number of bits (specified as number of cycles) are generated at every
trigger event. In block mode the whole pattern is generated at every
trigger event.
Noise is reset to its start condition at every trigger event. Allows
generating same random noise sequence.
Number of Cycles 1 to 4294967295 and infinite
Trigger Rep. Rate 2mHz to 50MHz internal (10ns period resolution) DC to 50MHz external.
Gate Signal Source Internal from keyboard, trigger generator.External from TRIG IN or
remote interface.
Gate Phase (start/stop phase) -360.0 to +360.0 degrees, 0.001 degree resolution
(Phase offset cannot be set for Noise and Pattern / PRBS waveforms)
Note  Frequency sweep capability is provided for all standard (except noise) and arbitrary waveforms.
Carrier Waveforms Pulse (width, delay and edges are fixed when modulated), Double Pulse
(width, delay, double delay and edges are fixed when modulated), Square (width is fixed when modulated), Pattern/PRBS (edges are fixed
when modulated), Function (square duty cycle is fixed when modulated), Arb
Sweep Mode Linear or logarithmic, triggered or continuous.
Sweep Direction Up or Down
Sweep Range From 1mHz to 50MHz. Phase continuous. Independent setting
of the start and stop frequency.
Sweep Time 100µs to 500s
Hold Time 100µs to 500s
Return Time 100µs to 500s
Trigger Source The sweep may be free run or triggered from the following sources:
Internal from keyboard or trigger generator.
Externally from TRIG IN input or remote interface
Trigger Generator Internal source 2mHz to 25MHz square wave adjustable in 10ns steps, 11 digit resolution. Available for external use from the SYNC OUT socket.
Main Output Source Impedance 5W or 50W selectable
Note  Amplitude can be specified open circuit (hi Z) or into an assumed load of 50W to 10kW in Vpp
Amplitude 50WΩ into 50WΩ -100mVpp to 11Vpp
5WΩ into 50WΩ -200mVpp to 20Vpp
5WΩ / 50WΩ into open circuit -200mVpp to 22Vpp
Amplitude Accuracy 1.5% ±5mV at 1kHz for 50WΩ into 50W
DC Offset Range 50WΩ into 50WΩ - ±5.5V. DC offset plus signal peak limited to ±5.5V
5WΩ into 50WΩ - ±10V. DC offset plus signal peak limited to ±10V
5WΩ / 50WΩ into open circuit - ±11V. DC offset plus signal peak limited to ±11V
DC Offset Accuracy Typically 1% ±50mV.
Resolution 3 digits or 1mV for both Amplitude and DC Offset.
Sync Outs Carrier Waveform Sync Pulse / Square / Double Pulse / Function / Arbs:
A square wave with 50% duty cycle at the waveform frequency.
Pattern / PRBS:
Internal Source - a positive pulse which is 1 bit rate wide at the beginning of the sequence
External Source - a square wave with same duty cycle and frequency as the external source.
No sync associated with noise.
Modulation Sync AM/FM/PM/SUM/PWM/PDM/SPDM:
A square wave with 50% duty cycle referenced to the internal modulation waveform when
modulation source is internal, or a square wave referenced to the carrier waveform when
modulation source is external. No sync is associated with noise as the modulation source.
FSK - A square wave referenced to the trigger rate. The sync is a TTL high when hop frequency
is the output frequency and TTL low when carrier frequency is the output frequency for
positive slope and vice versa for negative slope.
A square wave referenced to the trigger rate. The sync is a TTL high when the hop phase is the
output phase and TTL low when carrier phase is the output phase for positive slope and
vice versa for negative slope.
Sweep Sync Marker Off:
A square wave that is a TTL high from the beginning of the sweep and a TTL low from the
midpoint of the sweep
Marker On:
A square wave that is a TTL high from the beginning of the sweep and a TTL low from the
marker frequency
Burst Sync Internal Trigger: A square wave with 50% duty cycle at the trigger frequency.
External Trigger: A square wave with same duty cycle and frequency as the external
Manual Trigger: A positive pulse which is approximately 18us wide at the beginning of
the event.
Trigger Sync All Trigger Types: Outputs the current trigger signal
Sync Alignment Sync to Output Delay: 0.0ns typical.
Sync Output Output Signal Level: Logic level nominally 3V
Output Impedance: 50Ω
Ref Clock Output
Note Buffered version of the 10MHz clock currently in use (internal or external)
Output Level Nominally 3V logic level from 50Ω
Trigger Input
Note  For FSK, BPSK, triggered sweep, gated burst, triggered burst, external pattern (external width)
Threshold ±3V
Maximum Input ±10V
Min. Pulse Width 20ns 
Frequency Range DC to 25MHz 
Polarity Selectable as high/rising edge or low/falling edge
Input Impedance 10kΩ
Trigger Delay (Fixed) 448ns (Trigger to Output, typical)
Trigger to Output Jitter 60ps RMS (typical)

Valid for externally triggered pulse, square, double pulse, internal pattern / PRBS, arb / function, external pattern (external width). Measured with 50Ω source impedance at main output. Trigger amplitude >500mV, transition time <10ns.

Externally triggered noise, sweep, FSK and BPSK has peak to peak jitter of 5ns.

External Modulation Input
Note  For AM, FM, PM, SUM, PWM, PDM, SPDM, external pattern
Voltage Range ± 2.5V full scale
Input Impedance 5kΩ Typical
Bandwidth DC to 5MHz
Ref Clock Input
Note  Input for an external 10MHz reference clock
Voltage Range 1Vp-p – 5Vp-p
Maximum Voltage +5V
Minimum Voltage -1V
Digital Interfaces
Note  Full digital remote control facilities are available through LAN, USB and GPIB interfaces
LAN Interface Ethernet 100/10base – T hardware connection. LXI Core 2011.
USB Interface Standard USB 2.0 hardware connection. Implemented as virtual-COM
USB Flash Drive For waveform and set-up storage/recall.
GPIB (optional) Conforming with IEEE488.1 and IEEE488.2
Driver Software Supplied
IVI Driver An IVI driver for Windows is supplied. This provides support for
common applications such as LabView*, LabWindows*, HPVEE* etc
LV/CVI Driver Full installation for CVI and LabVIEW instrument drivers.
USB Driver An installation file is supplied calling a standard Windows* USB driver.
Note  * LabView and LabWindows are trademarks of National Instruments.
HPVEE (now Agilent VEE) is a trademark of Agilent Technologies.
* USB interface is supported for Windows 2000 and above (inc. 64-bit versions)
Windows is a trademark of Microsoft
Display 256 x 112 pixel monochrome graphics display. White LED backlight
with adjustable brightness and contrast. Black-on-white or inverse
Data Entry Keyboard selection of mode, waveform etc.; value entry direct by
numeric keys or by rotary control.
Stored Settings Up to 9 complete instrument set-ups may be stored and recalled from
non-volatile memory.
Size Bench Top: 97mm height; 250mm width; 295mm long
Rack mount: 86.5mm (2U) height; 213.5mm (½-rack) width; 269mm
Weight 3.2kg
Power 100-240VAC ±10% 50/60Hz; 100-120VAC ±10% 400Hz; 60VA max.
Installation Category II.
Operating Range +5°C to 40°C, 20-80% RH.
Storage Range -20°C to + 60°C.
Environmental Indoor use at altitudes up to 2000m, Pollution Degree 2.
Options 19 inch rack mounting kit.
Safety Complies with EN61010-1.
EMC Complies with EN61326
Additional Information
Manufacturer Part Code

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Price (Ex VAT)
Aim-TTi RM200A 2U Rack Mount
Aim-TTi TGP3121 25MHz Pulse & Universal Generator – 1 Channel
£1,525.20 inc vat
£1,525.20 inc vat