Aim-TTi 1908 5.5-Digit Dual Measurement Digital Multimeter

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  • Dual measurement capability with a dual display
  • TRMS AC voltage and current measurements
  • USB interface

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The Aim-TTi 1908 5.5-Digit Dual Measurement Digital Multimeter is a portable bench multimeter with a USB interface for remote control and feedback. It can be used to measure DC voltage, TRMS AC voltage, DC current, TRMS AC current, resistance (2-wire or 4-wire), frequency, capacitance, and temperature, and includes continuity and diode tests, as well as a variety of maths/ smart and data logging functions. The Aim-TTi 1908 5.5-Digit Dual Measurement Digital Multimeter has a high accuracy and resolution: 0.02%, 1µV, 1mW, 100nA, 0.01Hz, 10pF. 

Dual Display and Dual Measurement System

In addition to dual measurement functionality, the Aim-TTi 1908 5.5-Digit Dual Measurement Digital Multimeter features a dual 5 ½ -digit display via which the user can view any of the following combinations:

  • The measurement and the selected range
  • The measurement in two different units
  • The result of the calculated function: value and % deviation
  • Measurements for two separate parameters of one signal
  • Measurements for the same parameter for two different signals

Automatic and Manual Ranging

To ensure all measurement parameters are displayed to the best possible resolution, the Aim-TTi 1908 5.5-Digit Dual Measurement Digital Multimeter features fast-responding automatic ranging. Alternatively, the user can select manual ranging.

For greater clarity, the Aim-TTi 1908 5.5-Digit Dual Measurement Digital Multimeter’s second display can be set to show the range value (as mentioned above).

Wide True RMS AC Measurements

To provide accurate AC current and voltage readings regardless of the waveform’s shape, the Aim-TTi 1908 5.5-Digit Dual Measurement Digital Multimeter includes True-RMS AC measurement capabilities.

Additionally, the Aim-TTi 1908 5.5-Digit Dual Measurement Digital Multimeter’s wide bandwidth attenuator provides high accuracy within the audio band and an extended response that prevents errors when measuring switching waveforms.

As standard, measurements are AC coupled, however, the Aim-TTi 1908 5.5-Digit Dual Measurement Digital Multimeter includes an option for determining the TRMS value of AC plus DC components.

Frequency & Capacitance

The Aim-TTi 1908 5.5-Digit Dual Measurement Digital Multimeter provides high accuracy (better than 0.01%) frequency measurements between 10Hz and 120kHz. It utilises a reciprocal counting technique to provide quick updates and a frequency resolution up to 0.01Hz.  

Additionally, the Aim-TTi 1908 5.5-Digit Dual Measurement Digital Multimeter features five capacitance ranges up to 120µF.

Temperature Measurement

Temperature measurements can be displayed in °C or °F. The Aim-TTi 1908 5.5-Digit Dual Measurement Digital Multimeter features linearised measurement for PT100 and PT1000 platinum resistance temperature detectors (RTDs) and supports 2-wire and 4-wire connections.

Smart Functions

In addition to the aforementioned measurement capabilities, the Aim-TTi 1908 5.5-Digit Dual Measurement Digital Multimeter includes a number of smart/ maths functions.

Linear Scaling with Offset

This function can be used to scale the electrical output of a transducer to provide a direct readout of a physical parameter such as temperature or weight. When engaged, this function multiples the reading by a scale factor (A) and either adds or subtracts an offset (B).

The Linear Scaling with Offset function is particularly useful when testing 4-20mA current loops.

dB Measurement

The Aim-TTi 1908 5.5-Digit Dual Measurement Digital Multimeter can display AC voltages in dB as well as volts. The integrated zero reference scaling means AC voltages can be displayed in dBm relative to impedance from 50W up to 8kW. The voltage can be displayed simultaneously on the secondary display.

Limits Comparison

The Limits Comparison function compares the reading to user-configured upper and lower limits. A HI, LO or PASS result is indicted alongside the measurement.

Percentage Deviation (%)

The user can set a nominal value to which the reading is compared. The Aim-TTi 1908 5.5-Digit Dual Measurement Digital Multimeter will indicate the percentage by which the reading differs from the nominal value. The Percentage Deviation function can be used to measure tolerance and stability.

Min-Max Storage

The Min-Max Storage function can be used to check for power supply glitches and record peak temperatures. It stores the highest and lowest values determined over the measurement period.

Power Measurement in Watts or VA

Power can be measured in dBs, Watts or VA.

The Watts function is particularly useful for audio measurements. For resistive loads between 1W and 10kW, it calculates V2/R.

The VA function utilises the Aim-TTi 1908 5.5-Digit Dual Measurement Digital Multimeter’s dual measurement capability to display the product of voltage and current.

Automatic Data Logging

The Aim-TTi 1908 5.5-Digit Dual Measurement Digital Multimeter can log data at a rate ranging from 1 reading per second to 1 reading per three hours. It can store a maximum of 500 measurements. This allows time-related measurements to be conducted without user monitoring or input.

Additionally, logging can be triggered by an opto-isolated external trigger input or via a digital interface. An external trigger connector is provided on the rear panel which enables triggering of the Measurement Hold or Measurement Log function. Additionally, an opto-isolated open collector output is available for synchronisation with the measurement update.

Alternatively, the user can also choose to log measurements manually to the Aim-TTi 1908 5.5-Digit Dual Measurement Digital Multimeter.

Measurements can be recalled to the display or downloaded via a remote interface.

Rechargeable Batteries

The Aim-TTi 1908 5.5-Digit Dual Measurement Digital Multimeter’s Data Logging function and rechargeable batteries, which provide up to thirty-five hours of operation, make it suitable for use in remote locations. The batteries are charged by the Aim-TTi 1908 5.5-Digit Dual Measurement Digital Multimeter’s internal power supply. This means that, when necessary, the Aim-TTi 1908 5.5-Digit Dual Measurement Digital Multimeter can be used in locations without an AC line power.

The Aim-TTi 1908 5.5-Digit Dual Measurement Digital Multimeter can also be powered by AC line power. 

USB Interface

As mentioned above, the Aim-TTi 1908 5.5-Digit Dual Measurement Digital Multimeter’s USB interface enables remote control and readback. It is powered by the controlling device which prevents additional power drain and ensures the Aim-TTi 1908 5.5-Digit Dual Measurement Digital Multimeter can remain battery-operated when this is required, such as in remote locations.

Safety and Calibration

Closed-Case Calibration

To facilitate closed-case calibration, the Aim-TTi 1908 5.5-Digit Dual Measurement Digital Multimeter stores calibration constants in its protected memory.

Comprehensive Safety Protection

The Aim-TTi 1908 5.5-Digit Dual Measurement Digital Multimeter is protected against accidental overloads on all ranges including 10A. It is compliant with EN61010-1 2010 and EN61010-2-030 2010 up to 300V (CAT III), 600V (CAT II) or 1000V DC/ 750V AC (for circuits isolated from AC line).

Kensington Security Slot

The Aim-TTi 1908 5.5-Digit Dual Measurement Digital Multimeter features a Kensington security slot in its rear panel allowing it to be secured using a Kensington cable system.

IVI Driver

The Aim-TTi 1908 5.5-Digit Dual Measurement Digital Multimeter’s IVI driver for Windows means it is able to support LabView, LabWindows, and Keysight VEE.

Graphical Interface for PC

The Aim-TTi 1908 5.5-Digit Dual Measurement Digital Multimeter is supplied with Aim-TTi’s Windows-based application software, 1908-PC Link. This software enables remote control of the meter via a graphical interface on the user’s PC. The Aim-TTi 1908 5.5-Digit Dual Measurement Digital Multimeter can be connected to a PC via the USB interface.

The graphical interface is laid out similarly to the Aim-TTi 1908 5.5-Digit Dual Measurement Digital Multimeter’s menu and allows the user to set the measurement range, select measurement functions for the main and secondary displays, log data, and download data saved to the meter’s memory.

Data can be viewed in a table and in an analogue bar graph with minimum and maximum reading markers. Logged data can be exported to a CSV file.

The Aim-TTi 1908 5.5-Digit Dual Measurement Digital Multimeter is a high-performing and portable digital bench multimeter.

Aim-TTi 1908 5.5-Digit Dual Measurement Digital Multimeter Key Features

  • Portable bench multimeter with a USB interface for remote control and feedback
  • DC voltage
  • TRMS AC voltage
  • DC current
  • TRMS AC current
  • Frequency
  • Capacitance
  • 2-wire and 4-wire resistance 
  • Temperature
  • Continuity test
  • Diode test
  • Data Logging and Maths/ Smart functions
  • High accuracy and resolution: 0.02%, 1µV, 1mW, 100nA, 0.01Hz, 10pF
  • 5 ½ digit dual display
  • The dual display can be configured to show a variety of measurement and parameter combinations
  • Fast-responding, automatic ranging provides the best possible resolution
  • Manual ranging is also available
  • The second display can be set to show the range value
  • TRMS AC voltage and current measurement provide accurate readings regardless of the shape of the waveform
  • Wide bandwidth attenuator provides high accuracy within the audio band
  • The wide bandwidth attenuator provides an extended response that prevents errors when measuring switching waveforms
  • Includes an option for determining the TRMS value of AC plus DC components
  • High accuracy (better than 0.01%) frequency measurements between 10Hz and 120kHz
  • Reciprocal counting technique provides a quick frequency update and a resolution 0.01
  • Five capacitance ranges up to 120µF
  • Temperature measurements can be displayed in °C or °F
  • Linearised measurement for PT100 and PT1000 platinum resistance temperature detectors (RTDs)
  • Supports 2-wire and 4-wire connections
  • Linear Scale with Offset function
  • dB Measurement function
  • Limits Comparison function
  • Percentage Deviation (%) function
  • Min-Max Storage function
  • Power can be measured in dBs, Watts or VA (Watts and VA functions)
  • Automatic data logging
  • Can save up to 500 measurements
  • Log measurements at a rate ranging from 1 reading per second to 1 reading every three hours
  • Logging can be triggered by an opto-isolated external trigger input or via a digital interface
  • Includes an option for manual data logging
  • Rechargeable batteries provide up to 35 hours of operating time
  • Rechargeable batteries are charged by the internal power supply
  • Can be used in remote locations without an AC line power
  • The USB interface is powered by a controlling device that prevents additional power drain
  • Supports closed-case calibration
  • Protected against accidental overload on all ranges including 10A
  • Compliant with EN61010-1 2010 and EN61010-2-030 2010 up to 300V (CAT III), 600V (CAT II) or 1000V DC/ 750V AC (for circuits isolated from AC line)
  • Features a Kensington security slot
  • IVI driver for Windows supports LabView, LabWindows and Keysight VEE
  • Supplied with Aim-TTi’s 1908-PC Link Software which enables remote control of the multimeter via a graphical interface on the user’s PC
  • Set measurement functions and parameters and view, log and export data using the Aim-TTi 1908-PC Link Software
  • High-performing and portable bench digital multimeter

What’s Included?

  • Aim-TTi 1908 5.5-Digit Dual Measurement Digital Multimeter
  • Aim-TTi 1908-PC Link Software
£673.20 inc vat
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Technical Information

Aim-TTi 1908 5.5-Digit Dual Measurement Digital Multimeter Technical Specifications 

Measurement Parameters & Accuracy
Note Accuracies apply for 1 year 19°C to 25°C. Temperature coefficient outside these limits
is <0.1 x quoted range accuracy per °C.
Scale Length The scale length is 120,000 counts (unless otherwise stated) giving a maximum
measured value for each range of 119999. Thus for the 100V range the maximum
measured value is 119.999 volts
Accuracies are quoted in terms of a percentage of the measured value plus a number
of least significant digits.
Reading Rate Varies with measurement parameter. Selectable as 4 readings/second or 20
readings/second for most parameters.
Range Accuracy Resolution
100mV 0.02% ± 3 digits* 1µV
1000mV 0.02% ± 3 digits 10µV
10V 0.02% ± 3 digits 100µV
100V 0.02% ± 3 digits 1mV
1000V 0.02% ± 3 digits 10mV
Note * after null
Typical Input Impedance  10MW//<1000pF, except for Vdc plus Vac measurement when the 1MΩ AC attenuator is in parallel with the 10MΩ DC attenuator.
Maximum Input 1kV DC or AC peak, any range
NMR >60dB at 50/60Hz.
CMR 1kW unbalanced CMR is >90dB at DC/50Hz/60Hz
Recommended max.peak AC + DC voltage while measuring DC voltage
Range 100mV 1000mV 10V 100V 1000V
Max. AC 1.8V 1.8V 18V 180V 1000V
Note The table shows the maximum peak AC (45Hz-50Hz) plus DC voltage that can be
applied without affecting the accuracy of the DC measurement due to overload
clamping. These values only apply when the DC component does not exceed the range
maximum and the analogue 50/60Hz rejection filter is enabled.
AC Voltage (True RMS)
Range Accuracy Resolution
45Hz - 10kHz 10kHz - 30kHz 30kHz - 50kHz
100mV 0.2% ± 150 dig 1.5% ± 200 dig - 1µV
1000mV 0.2% ± 100 dig 0.5% ± 100 dig. 2% ± 200 dig 10µV
10V 0.2% ± 100 dig. 0.5% ± 100 dig 2% ± 200 dig. 100µV
100V 0.2% ± 100 dig 0.5% ± 100 dig 2% ± 200 dig 1mV
750V 0.2% ± 100 dig 0.5% ± 100 dig. 2% ± 200 dig 10mV
Note  Accuracy specifications apply for readings between 10,000 and 120,000 counts.
Maximum crest factor 3 at nominal range maximum.
Input Impedance 1MW//<1000pF
Maximum Input 750V rms, 1000V peak; any range
CMR 1kW Unbalanced CMR is >60dB at DC/50Hz/60Hz
AC + DC Voltage  Total measurement error will not exceed the sum of the separate AC and DC accuracy
specifications plus 10 digits.
Resistance  2-wire or 4-wire measurement
Range Accuracy Resolution
100Ω 0.05% ± 8 digits 1mΩ
1000Ω 0.05% ± 5 digits 10mΩ
10kΩ 0.05% ± 5 digits 100mΩ
100kΩ 0.05% ± 5 digits
1000kΩ 0.3% ± 2 digits 10Ω
10MΩ 0.3% ± 2 digits 100Ω
Maximum Input 1000V DC or AC rms, any range.
Max. O/C Voltage 3.5V
DC Current 
Range Accuracy Resolution 
10mA 0.05% ± 5 digits 100nA
100mA 0.05% ± 5 digits 1µA
1000mA 0.2% ± 5 digits 10µA
10A (<5A) 0.2% ± 5 digits 100µA
10A (>5A) 0.5% ± 10 digits 100µA
Maximum Input mA ranges - 1.6A DC or AC rms, 1000V, fuse protected.
10A range - 10A DC or AC rms, 1000V, fuse protected
Voltage Burden 10mA range - <100mV; 100mA, 1A, 10A ranges - <600mV
AC Current (True RMS)
Range Accuracy (45Hz to 10kHz) Resolution
10mA 0.35% ± 20 digits 100nA
100mA 0.35% ± 20 digits 1µA
1000mA 0.5% ± 20 digits 10µA
10A (<5A) 0.5% ± 20 digits 100µA
10A (>5A) 1% ± 20 digits 100µA
Notes  Accuracy specifications apply for readings between 10,000 and 120,000 counts.
Maximum crest factor = 3 is typically 0.5%
Maximum Input mA ranges - 1.6A DC or AC rms, 1000V, fuse protected.
10A range - 10A DC or AC rms, 1000V, fuse protected.
Voltage Burden 10mA range - <100mV; 100mA, 1A, 10A ranges - <600mV
AC + DC Current  Total measurement error will not exceed the sum of the separate AC and DC accuracy
specifications plus 10 digits.
Range Accuracy Resolution 
100Hz 0.01% ± 1 digit 0.01Hz
1000Hz 0.01% ± 1 digit 0.1Hz
10kHz 0.01% ± 1 digit 1Hz
100kHz 0.01% ± 1 digit 10Hz
Scale Length 12,000 counts
Frequency Range 10Hz to >100kHz
Input sensitivity Better than 30mVrms (100mV range);
better than 10% of range for all other Vac and Iac ranges.
Range Accuracy  Resolution 
10nF 2% ± 5 digits 10pF
100nF 2% ± 5 digits 100pF
1µF 2% ± 5 digits 1nF
10µF 2% ± 5 digits 10nF
100µF 5% ± 5 digits 100nF
Scale Length 1200 counts
Notes  Linearised measurement for PT100 or PT1000 RTD probes, 2-wire or 4-wire
measurement, display in °C or °F.
N. B. Accuracy specifications apply to multimeter only, they do not account for additional probe accuracy
RTD Range Accuracy  Resolution 
PT100 -50 to 400°C 0.05% ± 0.5°C 0.1°C
PT1000 -50 to 400°C 0.05% ± 0.5°C 0.1°C
Continuity and Diode Test
Continuity 100W range selected; audible tone sounds for impedance <10W.
Diode Test Test current approximately 1mA; displays voltages up to 1.2V.
Max. O/C Voltage 3.5V
Maximum Input 1000V DC or AC rms, any range.
External Remote Trigger (TTL/ CMOS)
Connection Terminal block on rear panel
Input Input to the LED of an opto-isolator through 1kW resistor.
Apply >+3V to trigger remote input. Max. Voltage 10V.
Output Opto-isolated open collector output, conducts for 250ms on
completion of input trigger. Max. off-state Voltage: 10V.
On state sink current 2mA (typical).
Display Type High contrast backlit transflective LCD.
Main display 5½ digits 17mm high,
Secondary display 6 digits 10mm high
Scale Length 120,000 counts for most measurement parameters
Annunciators LCD annunciators for all ranges, functions and program modes
Overrange Displays OFL if input too large for range
Overflow Displays -Or- if calculated result overflows display.
Computing Functions 
Null (Relative) Ω Null

Stores current reading and subtracts it from future readings.

Additional non-volatile function for nulling test lead resistance.

Hold Reading is frozen
T-Hold (Touch & Hold) Reading is frozen when stable
dB Displays measurement in dBm relative to 600W or other user-entered impedance
AC plus DC The RMS value of the AC plus DC parts of the signal is calculated and displayed.
% Deviation Displays % deviation from entered reference value.
Ax+b Linear scaling of results, with offset.
Limits Reading displayed with HI, LO, or PASS with respect to user-defined high and low limits
Min/Max Minimum and maximum reading stored
Power Calculates V2/R and displays in Watts with respect to a user-defined impedance.
VA Calculates and displays Volts x Amps
Data Logger Manual or automatic storage of 500 measurements. Storage interval 1s to 9999s or at the measurement sample rate, manually from keyboard, or by external triggering.
Digital Interface  Full digital remote control facilities are available through a USB connection.
USB Standard USB 2.0 hardware connection. Host Powered.
Software Supplied 
IVI Driver An IVI driver for Windows is supplied.
LV/CVI Driver Full installation for CVI and LabVIEW instrument drivers
USB Driver An installation file is supplied calling a standard Windows* USB driver.
Power Requirements 
AC Input 220V-240V or 110-120V AC ±10%, 50/60Hz, by internal adjustment; 20VA max. Installation Category II.
Batteries Internal rechargeable Nickel Metal Hydride
Battery Life > 20 hours with the backlight enabled. Battery life can be increased to > 35 hours with the backlight disabled.
Operating Range +5°C to + 40°C, 20% to 80% RH
Storage Range -20°C to + 60°C
Environmental Indoor use at altitudes up to 2000m, Pollution Degree 2.
Safety and EMC Complies with EN61010-1, EN61010-2-030, EN61010-2-033 & EN61326-1.
Security Kensington security slot incorporated
Size 250(W) x 97(H) x 295(D)mm in bench-top configuration
213.5(W) x 86.5(H) x 269(D)mm (2U/ ½ - rack) in rack mount
Weight 3.2kg
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Aim-TTi 1908 & 1908P 5.5-Digit Dual Measurement Digital Multimeter - Datasheet Datasheet
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Aim-TTi 1908 5.5-Digit Dual Measurement Digital Multimeter
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£673.20 inc vat