In any busy commercial kitchen where different types of food are prepared to be sold, the risk of cross-contamination between foods is always a problem. To comply with relevant food safety regulations, most professional kitchens adopt a colour-coding system. Specific colours are assigned to utensils, such as knives and chopping boards, designated for use with specific food types, e.g., meat, fish, or vegetables. It makes sense then to apply this system to digital thermometers which are so integral to ensuring food is cooked to a safe temperature. Fortunately, ETI has developed a range of Thermapens specifically for this purpose.*

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What About Digital Food Thermometers?

Digital food thermometers are regularly used in commercial kitchens. However, unlike chopping boards and knives, they are less likely to be colour-coded according to foodstuff. This, of course, increases the risk of cross-contamination, as digital thermometers may be accidentally used to check multiple types of cooked and uncooked food. Thankfully, there's a solution! ETI's Thermapen 3, a super-fast, highly dependable digital thermometer made for use in the food industry.

ETI ThermaPen 3 Digital Thermometers

ETI's rapid, reliable ThermaPen 3 is available in ten colours to match your existing colour-coded system!

A selection of ETI Thermapens stood on a wooden counter. All show 24.8°C on their digital displays. From front to back and moving left to right the colours are: red, blue, green, and yellow.

Ensure Food Safety With ETI Thermapen 3 Digital Food Thermometers

If you haven't implemented a colour-coded systems into kitchen yet, we highly recommend using the following colours for the following types of food:

  • White - bakery and dairy items, including bread, pastries and cheese. Raw eggs should still be handled elsewhere as they carry salmonella bacteria.
  • Green - salad and fruit. Most fruit/salad is low risk and can be handled safely in its raw state.
  • Red - raw meats. Naturally raw meat should be prepared far away from other foods to prevent transfer of dangerous bacteria. A designated red, colour-coded thermometer for raw meat will prevent you from accidentally using this utensil with other food types, significantly reducing the risk of cross-contamination.
  • Yellow - cooked meat. Make sure you keep cooked meat away from raw meat and use separate utensils to handle cooked meat raw meat. Assigning yellow knives, thermometers, and chopping boards to cooked meat can help prevent cross contamination.
  • Blue - raw fish. Keep meat and fish separate, use different boards, knives and digital thermometers to lessen the risk of cross-contamination.

Complete Your Colour-Coded Kitchen with ETI's Thermapen 3

Further Information

For more advice regarding our range of food thermometers, including the ETI Thermapen 3 Digital Thermometers, please contact our Sales team on 01642 931 329 or via our online form.

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*Blog updated 03 June 2024