The Kewtech SMARTPAT PAT Tester is Kewtech’s newest and most sophisticated PAT tester to date (September 2019). It presents a viable, affordable alternative to other professional PAT testers, making it ideal for those performing large volumes of extensive tests on a variety of appliances.
In this blog, we shall evaluate the Kewtech SMARTPAT’s many features and where it sits in the current PAT tester market. Please see the chart below for a quick overview of the Kewtech SMARTPAT PAT Tester's position within the market.
The Kewtech SMARTPAT PAT Tester has a price point similar to that of mid-range PAT testers. However, when used with Kewtech’s FREE KEWPAT App, it is able to offer the same testing and administrative capabilities as professional-grade PAT testers. The Kewtech SMARTPAT PAT Tester is both a comprehensive and cost-effective instrument.
Despite having a price point similar to that of mid-range PAT testers, the Kewtech SMARTPAT PAT Tester exceeds the testing capabilities of all the models in this bracket. The Kewtech SMARTPAT PAT Tester is able to match the capabilities of professional-grade testers and includes several advanced tests on top of this, for instance, run leakage and touch leakage at a 110V supply. The Kewtech SMARTPAT is also able to perform a 10mA RCD test as well as a more complete 30mA RCD test.
Moreover, using the free KEWPAT App the operator can program the Kewtech SMARTPAT PAT Tester to perform customised auto test sequences, a feature this instrument shares with other mid-range and professional PAT testers.
Furthermore, when used with the KEWPAT App the user can access a risk assessment feature. Using this feature the operator can adjust tests and test sequences to ensure compliance with the IET Code of Practice. He/she can also view the recommended testing frequency for each type of appliance when it is used in particular environments. The recommended testing frequency can be adjusted to accommodate extenuating circumstances such as dampness.
Some mid-range models include a similar risk assessment function; whilst a few professional models improve upon this by including a range of health and safety features such as the ability to record hazards, calculate risk scores, and plan and document corrective actions. Selected professional PAT testers also include onboard reports for fire detection and emergency lighting.
Like some other professional models, the Kewtech SMARTPAT PAT Tester can be used to capture evidence of visual inspections. Images of appliances-under-inspection may be taken using a smartphone camera; these pictures can be saved to the appliance’s record using the free KEWTECH KEWPAT App.
Administrative Features and the KEWPAT APP
As mentioned above, the Kewtech SMARTPAT PAT Tester can be used with the free Kewtech KEWPAT App to maintain product records. As a result, it has an infinite memory capacity. Additionally, when used with the KEWPAT App the user can download and upload data, thus matching the capabilities of other professional PAT testers on the market.
Similarly, using the Kewtech KEWPAT App the operator can scan QR codes and barcodes to populate the Kewtech SMARTPAT PAT Tester’s fields, thereby improving the ease and efficiency of testing. Additionally, this app can be used to communicate with Bluetooth label printers.
This FREE app equips the Kewtech SMARTPAT PAT Tester with the same administrative capabilities as professional-grade testers for a far lower price. Please see the following video for a quick overview of the Kewtech SMARTPAT’s and Kewtech KEWPAT App’s capabilities.
Practical Design
The Kewtech SMARTPAT PAT Tester has been designed for simplicity of operation and as such features dedicated function buttons for automatic test sequences optimised for Class I and Class II appliances, as well as extension leads. It also includes function buttons for RCD and insulation resistance tests. This simple-to-use interface means that tests can be performed easily with minimal user input.
The Kewtech SMARTPAT PAT Tester’s simple, large and backlit LCD display changes colour to signify the test result (green = passed, red = failed), allowing the user to see at a glance whether the appliance has passed or failed each test.
Not all mid-range PAT testers are similarly simple-to-operate and easy-to-read; some models have been designed for operators wishing to retain greater control over testing procedures. For instance, selected models in this price bracket feature a full QWERTY keyboard for data entry and a more comprehensive user interface, as well as a full-colour, high-definition display.
Furthermore, many professional and mid-range models can be powered via a rechargeable battery or mains supply, allowing the user to tailor the tester to his/her surroundings. The Kewtech SMARTPAT PAT Tester is also battery operated: its battery life is three times greater than that of comparable mid-range and professional PAT testers, enabling it to perform up to 1400 tests before the battery expires. Its long battery life makes the Kewtech SMARTPAT PAT Tester an equally practical and reliable choice.
When the Kewtech SMARTPAT PAT Tester is purchased with the FREE downloadable Kewtech KEWPAT App the user is essentially purchasing a PAT Tester with all the capabilities (and more) of a sophisticated, professional PAT Tester, for the price of a mid-range model.
It is important to note that a majority of the Kewtech SMARTPAT PAT Tester’s administrative capabilities are achievable when it is used with the free Kewtech KEWPAT App. Without this app, the Kewtech SMARTPAT PAT Tester does not match the capabilities of a majority of mid-range models.
It is also important to bear in mind that the Kewtech SMARTPAT PAT Tester is reliant on the user’s smartphone and KEWPAT App when it comes to capturing images, performing risk assessments, maintaining records, uploading and downloading data, as well as communicating with Bluetooth label printers. Comparable professional models, whilst more expensive, are able to perform these functions without the need for an additional app or instrument.
However, the Kewtech SMARTPAT PAT Tester is able to perform more tests before its battery requires attention. It has been designed for ease and efficiency of use and to this end includes dedicated function buttons for a variety of tests. It offers a practical, simple-to-use alternative to complex, professional testers and as such is equipped with the same extensive array of tests as the models in this price bracket, as well as a more complete 30mA RCD test and an additional 10mA RCD test. It also features advanced run leakage and touch leakage tests at 110V supplies which are not present on a majority of mid-range and professional instruments.
The Kewtech SMARTPAT PAT Tester may require the FREE Kewtech KEWPAT App for many of its administrative capabilities, however, with versions of this app optimised for both Android and iOS smartphones and with smartphones being so readily available this doesn’t present a limitation. Rather this FREE Kewtech KEWPAT App and inexpensive Kewtech SMARTPAT PAT Tester provides a comprehensive, cost-effective and clever alternative to other complex professional PAT testers on the market.
The Kewtech SMARTPAT PAT Tester is available for purchase here.